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Azerbaijan modifies rules for obtaining SMS permit

4 July 2020 11:05 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan modifies rules for obtaining SMS permit

By Ayya Lmahamad

A number of innovations have been introduced in the system for obtaining permits and monitoring the implementation of special quarantine regime, chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovation Ulvi Mehdiyev announced at briefing of Operational Headquarters on July 3.

Thus, the serial number of the ID card of citizens will be also reflected in the reply message when obtaining permission for the relevant codes through the permit system 8103. This helps to determine exactly which authorization is issued so that there is no confusion among citizens who receive authorization for different cards from one number.

Moreover, all permissions meant until July 5 and issued earlier on the portal will be automatically deactivated. Employers will be able to reactivate the permissions of workers working in the areas permitted by the relevant Cabinet of Ministers decision until July 20.

Additionally, it will be possible to add business trips for employees working in the permitted zones on the portal

It should be noted that due to the integration of the SMS permission and control system into the E-Tabib electronic system, citizens infected with COVID-19 will not be able to obtain permission from the 8103 SMS system and E-Tabib mobile application.

Likewise, the permission and control system is also integrated with the electronic system of the State Border Guard Service. Thus, those coming to Azerbaijan from other countries will not be able to get permission from 8103 SMS system and mobile application E-Tabib until the end of their quarantine period.

Additionally, from July 5 citizens will have to enter the data of their cars when obtaining a permit by SMS. In this regard, regulatory and legal acts are already being prepared, and as soon as the legislation allows, regulation in this area will be implemented.

Information about the cancellation of the work permit for movement during the special quarantine regime is sent to the electronic offices of the organizations.

Responsible persons working with permit system of each enterprise can regularly enter the cabinet of this enterprise in the system and check if any permits were cancelled. It was noted that, the employees themselves can also do this.

It should be noted that in accordance with the order signed by the Cabinet of Ministers on 1 May, Code of Administrative Offenses will be applied it terms of quarantine regime violations.

Azerbaijan first introduced quarantine regime on March 24, and on June 18 decision was taken to extend special quarantine regime until August 1.

On July 2, Cabinet of Ministers announced decision to prolong a strict quarantine regime till July 20.

The new lockdown will be imposed on July 5-20 in capital Baku, as well as in Jalilabad, Ganja, Lankaran, Masalli, Sumgayit, Yevlakh cities and Absheron district, and Goranboy, Goygol, Mingachevir, Barda, Khachmaz, Samukh, Siyazan and Sheki regions.

Under the lockdown rule, citizens are allowed to leave their place of residence only after obtaining SMS permissions.

Baku metro will be suspended from July 4 midnight till July 20, and the entire public transport will not operate on weekends in cities and districts in which the special quarantine regime has been toughened

Moreover, operation of shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, beauty salons, as well as museums, exhibition halls, sport and beaches was also suspended until July 20. Azerbaijan mandated wearing face masks on May 31.


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