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Azerbaijan installs automatic hydrological stations in liberated lands

15 April 2022 11:33 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan installs automatic hydrological stations in liberated lands

Azerbaijan has started to install automatic hydrological stations on the rivers in Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation in 2020.

The head of the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry's environmental policy department, Faig Mutallimov, made the remarks on his Facebook page.

"Work has begun on the restoration of the Basitchay State Nature Reserve in Zangilan region. Moreover, a phased restoration of hydrometeorological activities in the territory is planned,” Mutallimov said.

He noted that regular monitoring of the rivers is currently being carried out. The department chief underlined that 11 automatic hydrological stations had started to be installed on 10 rivers.

“During our monitoring, the pollution of water resources by Armenia on the liberated territories was established. In order to prevent this, measures are also being taken on various platforms, in cooperation with international organizations,” he said.

The representative stressed that along with landscaping, the work on sowing seeds was carried out in the liberated territories and the volume of mineral water reserves was studied.

He noted that against the background of the reduction of water resources, which occurs as a result of climate change, water resources in the liberated territories are very important.

“At the same time, a plan is being developed for the restoration of water resources and their rational use," Mutallimov added.

Armenia’s three-decade occupation of Azerbaijani territories extensively damaged the ecosystem, wildlife, and natural resources in and around the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region. Armenians also resorted to large-scale acts of ecological terror in regions they had to leave under the trilateral November peace deal which stipulated the return of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories.

Armenian-Azerbaijani clashes erupted for the second time in 2020, when Armenian forces stationed in occupied Azerbaijani territory targeted Azerbaijani civilian settlements and military positions, resulting in civilian and military casualties. Azerbaijan launched a six-week counter-offensive operation in the early hours of September 27. The operation resulted in the liberation of occupied Azerbaijani territory.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia on November 10, 2020, bringing the two countries' war to an end. The Azerbaijani army declared victory over the Armenian forces. The signed agreement required Armenia to withdraw its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territory.


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