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24 years without Gubadli

31 August 2017 09:00 (UTC+04:00)
24 years without Gubadli

By Rashid Shirinov

August 31 marks the 24th anniversary of occupation of Azerbaijan's Gubadli region by the Armenian armed forces.

The magnificent region, covering 802 square kilometers, is situated in the southwest of Azerbaijan, between Zangezur Mountains and Nagorno-Karabakh mountain range. About 30,000 people were living in Gubadli before the Armenian troops occupied the region on the last day of 1993 summer.

The Armenian armed forces besieged the region after the occupation of Lachin, Kalbajar, Agdam, Fuzuli and Jabrayil regions.

About 283 volunteers from Gubadli heroically died while defending their region from the Armenian invasion, and seven of them were awarded high title Azerbaijani National Hero for their valor in defending their motherland.

The Armenian invasion resulted in destruction of thousands of public facilities in Gubadli. As many as 21 secondary and 26 incomplete secondary schools, 15 primary schools, four hospitals and 33 health centers, 111 cultural and educational institutions, including 60 libraries, ten cultural centers, 28 cultural clubs, and many other facilities were seized and demolished.

Gubadli region is distinguished by its favorable geographic location, unique and spectacular landscape, craggy mountains, swift rivers, especially the rivers Barkushad and Akara. Before the invasion, about 13.2 acres of the state forest fund existed in the territory of Gubadli. Moreover, numerous endangered animal and bird species were protected in the Gubadli State Sanctuary.

Gubadli also had vast deposits of agate, marble, many springs rich with natural minerals. Unfortunately, after the occupation, Armenian invaders depleted the diverse nature of Gubadli.

The cultural heritage of Gubadli included archeological monuments like a residential area of the late bronze-early iron ages in the old part of Gubadli town, two castles of the late bronze-early iron ages in Aliguluushagy village, one more castle of the same period in Murdakhanly village, havens of the IV century in the Aliguluushagy, Balahasanli and Zor villages, a IV century cave in Gavur gorge and a XIV century cemetery in the territory of Yazy flat, blue castles of the V century in Aliguluushagy and Eyvazly villages, the XIII-XIV century tombs and XVI century spring in Damirchilar village, the XVIII century tomb in Gurjulu village, defence castle of IX-XII centuries in Ashaghy Khojamsaghly village and Albanian temples of middle ages in Basharat, Mazra and Yukhary Cibikhly villages, as well as a number of other monuments. Unfortunately, the cultural values of Azerbaijani people were looted.

Today, all 93 villages of Gubadli region are under the control of the enemy troops. Every family from Gubadli has suffered from the horror committed by the Armenian armed forces in the region. People who survived that tragedy now forced to live in other regions of Azerbaijan with a hope of returning to their native homes someday.


Rashid Shirinov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @RashidShirinov

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