Alibaba sends humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan to fight COVID-19
By Trend
The Chinese Jack Ma and Alibaba foundations sent humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan as part of the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, Trend reports on April 7.
The humanitarian aid includes medical masks, kits for coronavirus testing, special protective clothing, artificial ventilators (for artificial ventilation of lungs) and thermal imagers.
In an interview with reporters, Head of the health sector of the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers’ Department of Social Affairs Lala Kazymova, thanked the Jack Ma and Alibaba foundations for this humane action on behalf of the Azerbaijani government.
“We hope that the pandemic will end soon all over the world with less loss,” Kazymova added.
In these difficult days, when the fight against COVID-19 pandemic is conducted at the global level, the peoples of Azerbaijan and China, remaining faithful to the traditions of friendship, demonstrate solidarity.
The Chinese authorities have recently provided Azerbaijan with test systems for detecting COVID-19 infection, which is a striking example of the expression of friendship between two countries. Azerbaijan also showed solidarity with the Chinese people from the first days of the fight against coronavirus, provided them with funds and rendered moral support.
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