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Friends of hard time: reasons strengthening Azerbaijan-Pakistan brotherhood

16 June 2023 08:30 (UTC+04:00)
Friends of hard time: reasons strengthening Azerbaijan-Pakistan brotherhood
Elnur Enveroglu
Elnur Enveroglu
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Indeed, we are at such a stage in the history of the world that neither international laws nor international organizations that operate only for the sake of appearance defend the right and the justice. On the contrary, some superpowers deliberately ignore international law for their own interests and even openly defend those who violate it. As a result, a reason arises, be strong so that the laws are in your favor.

These views were voiced yesterday during the press statements of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev while meeting with the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sehbaz Sharif in Baku.

“We know that international law works selectively. Some United Nations Security Council resolutions are implemented, some are not. We both know that. And the guarantee for your independence or territorial integrity, security and well-being of your people is your economic, political and military capability. So, on all these issues we have full mutual understanding. Pakistan and Azerbaijan are countries, which always stand shoulder to shoulder,” the head of state noted.

In fact, this word has a great meaning behind it and immediately brings to mind the Karabakh war, which took place in two stages: Azerbaijan during the First Karabakh war and Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh war...
Nothing has changed in thirty years. Neither the invaders nor the forces supporting them - only the geopolitical and military-strategic advantage of Azerbaijan changed positively. If the laws really worked like clockwork, then there would be no need for war or the iron fist over the head of enemy. But there is always good behind all events. As the saying goes, Hard Times Reveal True Friends. The brotherhood of Turkiye and Pakistan is an inexhaustible chain strengthened by the test of difficult times.

This chain has come together over the last three years to form a strong loops of union. After the visit of the Turkish President to Azerbaijan, the visit of another brother country, Pakistan's Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif to Azerbaijan on June 14-15, is an example of this unbreakable unity.

Speaking to the press, the leaders of Azerbaijan and Pakistan touched upon the development of relations between the two countries. As President Ilham Aliyev noted, relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan are relations which are based on mutual history, culture, traditions, religion, solidarity and mutual support. In a statement, President Ilham Aliyev also thanked to brotherly Pakistan for standing by Azerbaijan at the very difficult time. “We are very grateful to Pakistan for support to Azerbaijan during the times of occupation and during the 44 days of Patriotic War of 2020. Pakistan is the country which did not establish diplomatic relations with Armenia because of occupation. And this is a really position of brothers. We are very grateful for that,” the head of state noted.

Pakistan's history is both deep and turbulent. Azerbaijan and Pakistan have a lot in common. The thing that endears Pakistan to Azerbaijan and the whole Turkic world is its loyalty and reliability in friendship and brotherhood. We must regretfully emphasize that today Pakistan, like Azerbaijan, is experiencing a problem with the Indian state regarding the issue of territorial integrity of Kashmir and Jammu. In this problem, as much as Azerbaijan, Pakistan suffers from the inability of international law to perform its function sufficiently. Because no matter how strong the Pakistani state is militarily and strategically, it, like Azerbaijan, is a country that wishes to resolve all conflicts peacefully.

The meeting between the two brotherly states also resulted in the signing of many important documents. Azerbaijan and Pakistan inked memorandum of understanding on the development of mutual trade at a high level. During the meeting with the Prime Minister, the head of state also emphasized that there are great opportunities in the field of energy through projects of fossil fuel and renewable energy.

Touching upon the development of bilateral relations, Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif said that the peoples of Azerbaijan and Pakistan are fraternal peoples. " Our positions overlap on both bilateral and multilateral issues. Pakistan and Azerbaijan are two brotherly nations. Our relations are based on mutual support, sincerity and respect,” the Premier noted. That is, we are witnessing that the leaders of both countries are making great efforts to develop relations.

Thus, the processes show that the leadership of Azerbaijan and Pakistan in their policy gives priority to the development of economic and political relations, follows the path of diplomacy in resolving emerging issues. These common features are among the factors that will positively influence the further development of relations between the two countries.


Elnur Enveroglu is AzerNews’ deputy editor-in-chief, follow him on @ElnurMammadli1

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