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Employees of some organizations allowed to move during tough quarantine regime in Azerbaijan

9 December 2020 12:39 (UTC+04:00)
Employees of some organizations allowed to move during tough quarantine regime in Azerbaijan

By Trend

The Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers has disclosed a list of state bodies, state-owned legal entities, including public legal entities created on behalf of the state, whose employees are allowed to move after the employer enters the data about them in website, Trend reports with reference to the Cabinet of Ministers.

1. Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan

2. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan

3 Ministry of Education

4 Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

5. Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

6. Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic

7 Ministry of Agriculture

8. Ministry of Defense Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan

9. Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

10 Ministry of Culture

11 Ministry of Youth and Sports

12 State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced People

13. State Statistics Committee

14. State Committee of Urban Planning and Architecture

15. State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs

16. State Committee for Work with Religious Structures

17. State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Work with Diaspora

18. State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

19. Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan

20. State Tourism Agency

21. Intellectual Property Agency

22. State Housing Agency

23. State advertising agency

24. Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC)

25. Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, state-owned banks

26. State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR)

27. City and district executive structures

28. "Icherisheher" State Historical and Architectural Reserve

29. Seaside Boulevard Administration

30. State Examination Center

31. Chamber of Accounts

32. Mortgage and loan guarantee fund

33. Deposit insurance fund

34. Social Development Fund of internally displaced people

35. Azerkontrakt JSC

36. Agrarkredit CJSC

37. "Azersu" Open Joint Stock Company

38. Azerigaz Production Union

39. "Azerishiq" Open Joint Stock Company

40. Azerenergy Open Joint Stock Company

41. "Azeristiliktejhizat" Open Joint Stock Company

42. State Oil Company (its subsidiaries and joint ventures)

43. "Melioration and water economy" JSC

44. "AzerGold" CJSC

45. "Azeragrartikinti" JSC

46. "Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation" JSC

47. "Azercosmos" JSC

48. "Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company" Closed Joint Stock Company

49. "Azerbaijan Railways" Closed Joint Stock Company

50. Azerbaijan Airlines Closed Joint Stock Company

51. Azerbaijani State Agency of Automobile Roads

52. Republican Seismic Survey Center under the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

53. Baku Transport Agency

54. "Baku Metro" Closed Joint Stock Company

55. "Baku International Sea Trade Port" Closed Joint Stock Company

56. State Maritime Agency

57. State Civil Aviation Agency

58. Ganja Automobile Plant Production Association

59. Azerpost

60. Aztelecom

61. AzInTelecom

62. Baku Telephone Communications LLC

63. State Road Transport Service

64. Counting Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and High Technologies

65. "Azercell Telecom"

66. "Bakcell"

67. "AzerFon"

68. Institutions of social services and social rehabilitation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population

69. Workers of social services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population

70. Enterprises for the collection and disposal of household waste


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