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French Medical Cartel points his sticky finger at COP29: A little about Kouchner's Yellow House

2 July 2024 16:36 (UTC+04:00)
French Medical Cartel points his sticky finger at COP29: A little about Kouchner's Yellow House

By Farman Aydin, AZERNEWS

The last 4 years in the history of Azerbaijan have left a mark as a period of French anti-Azerbaijani propaganda and rhetoric. This can be explained by the tireless, biased, and spiteful positions of the pro-Armenian politicians in the French government, as well as in the European Parliament and several organisations.

Bernard Kouchner, an 84-year-old French politician, is one of those frequently mentioned. His incomprehensible love for Armenians has always been interpreted in a strange way in politics. Because Kouchner's name is constantly mentioned in the media in interesting issues related to Armenia's medicine.

Let's dive into the recent past. Until the local anti-terrorist operations of the Azerbaijani army in Garabagh in 2023, the disproportionate operation of the ICRC in the territories caused serious concerns. At that time, the head of the Doctors Without Borders organization, Kouchner, was among the members of the Yerevan-based institute.

Everyone knows that Kouchner is a doctor by profession and he was once the French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs in the center-right Fillon government under President Nicolas Sarkozy, although he had been in the past a minister in socialist governments. In addition, he is the co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde.

Although Kouchner still carries a doctor's diploma, many of his inhuman acts under the name of this honorable profession have not escaped the attention of experts. Russian military expert Aleksander Artamonov once addressed this issue in his statement to Azernews.

"I have to state that the International Red Cross is involved in the case of black transplantology in especially war zones, where as far as I know, in the cars, which go under the sign of the ICRC, illegally seized organs are taken out for transplantation abroad. So the Red Cross, as an organization of Doctors without Borders, which is headed by the infamous Bernard Kouchner, a French citizen, and minister, these two organizations, they basically come together always, they have been involved in dirty provocations and very bad deeds in a number of war zones," the analyst said.

Therefore, Bernard Kouchner's Armenian "love" does not come from simple and human feelings, but from criminal intent. After all, no crime remains a secret. Maybe Azerbaijan, which constantly exposes the illegal actions of France, especially the policy of neo-colonialism in the islands and countries of the African continent, is the target of Kouchner, as well as the French authorities. If it were not so, the cartel of the medical world would not have condemned Azerbaijan's hosting of COP29 with the unequivocal support of the world countries. Kouchner has a lot to learn from Azerbaijan. His prejudice only makes him a target and questions his career heading from then on into the sunset.

For example, the fact that Kouchner called a group of Armenians who voluntarily moved from Azerbaijan's Garabagh to Yerevan "120 thousand Armenian refugees" indicates his political illiteracy and the power of theses dictated to him. Kouchner does not pay attention to any evidence or the authenticity of what he says, like some other politicians who sell their dignity for money while receiving gifts from the Armenian lobby. The main thing for him is his goal - and prejudice is in its place.

Kouchner's role in alleged human organ trafficking in Kosovo

When the former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner was asked a question about his alleged organ trafficking in Kosovo by a Voice of America reporter, he called reporter Budimir Nicic "insane". This is the story of 14 years ago and the question is still on the agenda: does Kouchner really do such a business?

The journalist's question about the "Yellow House" made Kouchner even more angry. He seemed to be confused by the sudden question. "What's the yellow house?" Why yellow? Sir, you should consult (a doctor), said Kouchner insulting the journalist.

Claims of human organ trafficking in Kosovo were first raised by the former chief prosecutor at the Hague, Carla Del Ponte, in her book “Madame Prosecutor”.

As the report says in the BalkanInsight, Del Ponte alleged that several hundred Serb civilians were kidnapped in Kosovo in 1999 by the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, and then taken to northern Albania where their vital organs were taken out and sold on the black market.

The Yellow House is named as one of the locations where organs were allegedly harvested. One of Europe’s top human rights investigators, Dick Marti, is leading the investigation into the claims.

After this scandal, Kouchner tried his experience in Karabakh. However, it is expected that his medical practice full of secrets will gradually be revealed in the media.


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