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France's import of air defense in Armenia is concern of Moscow, Russian pundit says

24 October 2023 08:30 (UTC+04:00)
France's import of air defense in Armenia is concern of Moscow, Russian pundit says
Abbas Ganbay
Abbas Ganbay
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There was some kind of businesslike meeting between France and Armenia in the field of defense industry, where France was determined to arm Armenia; rather it could be called a deal to blow up the Armenian budget.

Thus Armenia missed another chance to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan, which could promise a more fruitful future for Armenia. Following its unfathomable policymaking, Armenia has also worsened relations with former ally Russia, although, the latter has control over Armenian airspace. Europe and the West, which ignore a giant like Russia, support France's initiative to arm Armenia.

In a word, amidst the raging wars and ongoing economic and social-immigration collapse of the Western countries, the European Union seems more interested in destabilizing the situation in the Caucasus. But they act not according to the logic of things, but to please the ruling class to serve more to their dirty ambitions, and to eradicate the middle and "lower" classes, in a nutshell, opening the gates for the arrival of migrants from the "Gray" points of the Earth. Despite all the existing problems of the Western countries, in protest to their peoples, they pursue their ambitions to meddle in the Caucasus, in support of Armenia - the only country that is being used as an instrument to stir up the situation in the region.

What is France's interest in rearming Armenia, which has recently been defeated by war and newly freed from the clutches of separatism?

This question was answered by military analyst Alexander Artamonov in a comment for AZERNEWS, where he especially touched on France's Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu's communiqué on the provision of Armenia with defensive weapons of air defense systems. A malicious document, at the same time known as France's waste paper served extensively for arming a country for a new disaster.

"According to some reports, the delivery of weapons is already underway, and it is quite possible that it is not only defensive weapons systems, but also some other weapons systems, this cannot be ruled out. France may definitely feel remorse for the events of 101 years ago, when it guaranteed the Armenians in Kilke that they would not be touched, and then did what France and some of its other allies have always done. They quietly left the Armenians by reneging the agreement, without interfering in any way in the course of events.

If we look at France's behavior in Algeria, where General De Gaulle first promised to leave all his troops and then withdrew them, actually betraying his own army in the 60s of the last century, we can say that France is more untrusting," the expert said.

According to Artamonov, France's arming of Armenians comes not from the interest of protecting Armenians, but in order to keep a part of arms supplies, and arms market, and thus to get a piece of the Western bloc.

"We know that the arms market is a very rich market, so I do not exclude the supply of French light tanks, howitzers, self-propelled artillery units of Caesar class, and rolling guns, which are also in France's armed forces," the expert pointed out.

It is important to recall that the international conference "Neocolonialism: violation of human rights and injustice" organized by the Baku Initiative Group started its work in Baku. The conference was attended by representatives of 14 countries, as well as French overseas territories (New Caledonia, French Polynesia, French Guiana, Martinique, and Guadeloupe) and Corsica. All these countries have suffered for many years from France's colonialist policies, and until today the issue of a solution has not been adequately publicized and dealt with.

According to the military expert, firstly, France's main objective is to continue the conflict, where France's actions will push Armenia to take certain steps related to the Russian Army's proposal to leave Armenia, and secondly, to actually continue the conflict with Azerbaijan.

"As a result of such behavior, there are two possibilities – first, France will be able to occupy all these bases, which are now occupied by the Russian army; it is Arkashi, Armavir, and Gumri. Actually, if these bases are taken by France, it will try to guarantee Armenia the inviolability of its borders, which is not interesting for Azerbaijan, given that we remember that 7 border villages remain disputed territory from the point of view of Azerbaijan.

I think that in the extreme case, it will cause a continuation of the conflict and France will quietly observe it. What to expect from a country that leads such practices?" Artamonov added.

Furthermore, according to the expert, the Western countries, which are against Azerbaijan, are in favor of continuing the conflict, and today Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of not wanting any agreement, knowing that there are no proposals from Armenia.

"Response to a proposal is when people sit down at the table and say "here is our text, let's discuss it". However, there is no such thing, and we don't see that. So I think that Pashinyan continues his game, the final game will be the advancement of NATO to the territory of Armenia through France, and this is not pleasant, because we remember that Azerbaijan has a neutral status, it is at the head of the non-aligned states that remain neutral, at the same time the line of behavior that Armenia is taking now is a direct attempt to get Russia out of the South Caucasus, I think that in the future it will lead Armenia to the loss of position, and this loss of position will be associated with an attempt to continue the war," the military expert added.

In conclusion, A. Artamonov added that there is a common air defense system in Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkiye, as Azerbaijan and Turkiye have a joint agreement on the production of certain weapons, where the Turkish army is a brother army to the Azerbaijani one.

"France as a NATO country will simply expand the import of air defense at the expense of its interests on the territory of Armenia, it is a common umbrella, and it will not be a problem, because the NATO satellite constellation is a single, for all countries of the north of the Atlantic alliance, the problem will be with the Russian Army," he added.


Abbas Ganbay is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter:



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