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Heartfelt condolences extended to Azerbaijan over armed assault on Tehran embassy

27 January 2023 18:40 (UTC+04:00)
Heartfelt condolences extended to Azerbaijan over armed assault on Tehran embassy
Rena Murshud
Rena Murshud
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Azerbaijan continues to accept condolences from near and far abroad over the terrorist attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran, Azernews reports.

After the armed assault on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, the Moldovan Foreign Ministry posted a tweet.

"Moldova strongly condemns the armed attack on the Azerbaijan Embassy in Iran's capital Tehran today, in which the head of security was killed and two guards wounded. Our thoughts go out to our colleagues at @AzerbaijanMFA and all those affected," the ministry noted.

The Italian embassy in Baku joined in extending condolences to Azerbaijan.

"Our Embassy expresses deep indignation at the cowardly attack against Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran and extends sincere condolences to the victim's family. While wishing the injured a speedy recovery, we manifest our admiration for the prompt and courageous reaction of the security personnel," the Italian embassy tweeted.

Egypt, whose president arrived today on a working visit to Azerbaijan, posted on the Foreign Ministry's Twitter page its support for Azerbaijan.

"Our Sincere condolences to the government & people of the friendly country of Azerbaijan for the killing of a staff member of Azerbaijan’s embassy in Tehran in an attack on the embassy today. We affirm Egypt's full solidarity with Azerbaijan in this painful incident," wrote the Egyptian MFA.

The Belarus Embassy in Baku has also posted a Twitter publication in connection with the armed attack on Azerbaijani Embassy in Iran.

"In connection with the death of an employee of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran, the Belarus Embassy expresses its condolences to Azerbaijan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the relatives of the deceased employee and also wishes a speedy recovery to the injured embassy staff," said the tweet.

The Georgian MFA stated on its Twitter page that Tbilisi strongly condemns the attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy.

"We strongly condemn the attack on the Embassy of #Azerbaijan in Iran. Any act of violence against any diplomatic mission is completely unacceptable. We convey our condolences to the family of the victim of the tragedy," the Foreign Ministry said.

The tragic attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy in Iran was also condemned by Finland, the ambassador of Finland to the South Caucasus stated on Twitter.

"All violence against human life must be condemned. Deepest condolences to the family of the deceased and speedy recovery to all injured”, the tweet said.

The Mexican embassy in Baku has issued a Facebook statement in response to the terror attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran.

The embassy expresses its deepest condolences to the relatives of the employee of the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran, "who passed away this morning as a result of an attack on the mission, and wishes a speedy recovery to the wounded,” the embassy says.

Lithuania joined the messages of condolences with a Twitter post by the Lithuanian Embassy in Azerbaijan.

"We're shocked by the news of the armed attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran's Tehran, which resulted in the death and injury of people. Attacks on diplomatic missions are unacceptable. We express our condolences to the victim's family," the embassy said.

As reported earlier, the head of the security guard of the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran was killed in the armed attack on the building on January 27 at about 0830 hours (GMT+4). "An individual with a Kalashnikov assault rifle attacked the security post and killed the head of the security guard. Two embassy guards were also wounded while preventing the attack. Their conditions are satisfactory. This treacherous attack is currently being investigated. The public will be provided with detailed extra information," the foreign ministry said in a statement.


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