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Snake and spider bite cases reported

10 July 2017 17:16 (UTC+04:00)
Snake  and spider bite cases reported

By Amina Nazarli

Summer is here and that means spending more time outside for hiking, camping, and enjoying the scenery.

Summertime also sees a definite increase in snake bites as the snake spends more time out in the open soaking up in the sun. Most scorpion stings also occur in summer months.

Since April, some 13 snakebite cases, one case of wolf spider bite and two cases of scorpion stings were reported in the country, said Azer Magsudov, the chief toxicologist of the Health Ministry.

The toxicologist revealed that the cases of snake and black spider bites this year is less than last summer.

“People should protect themselves from these insects. As for now there are few cases of intoxication from these insects because of relatively cool weather,” he explained.

Magsudov said that the most complaints from black wolf spider and black and yellow scorpions’ bites are received from Baku’s villages.

“Black wolf spider and black and yellow scorpions began to spread in Azerbaijan 7-8 years ago and after this bite cases were reported. The bite cases are mostly reported in June, July and August,” he noted.

Azerbaijan is the country inhabited by 23 species of snakes. Some four of venomous and the others are non-venomous. Another type of venomous snake -- horned viper, has been found only once in Azerbaijan’s Ganja region in 1845. But after that no one saw them across the country.

The Transcaucasian viper, steppe viper, copperhead snake, and Asia Minor viper [which is listed in the Red Book of rare Azerbaijani animals and insects], are among the most poisonous snakes that are found in the country.

Remember never try to cut or squeeze the bite, or suck the poison out with your mouth.

The snake venom left on skin or clothes is not dangerous. It is dangerous when the poison gets into the blood.

Be careful while exploring and enjoying the nature! Stay away from fallen trees and areas of high grass. Carefully examine rocks before sitting on them.

Know how to distinguish poisonous snakes from non-toxic ones. Dangerous snakes usually tend to be shiny and colorful.

Severe venomous snake bites can cause serious symptoms, such as muscle paralysis and anaphylaxis, rapid heartbeat and may be fatal.

Everyone must have certain skills in the event of a snake bite. So, first of all it is necessary to tie up the wound with a sterile bandage. Otherwise injury can quickly become infected.


Amina Nazarli is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @amina_nazarli

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