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Int'l mediators urge Iran to fulfil UN SC demands on nuclear programme

5 June 2013 16:10 (UTC+04:00)
Int'l mediators urge Iran to fulfil UN SC demands on nuclear programme

Six international mediators called on Iran to fulfil all its obligations under UN Security Council's resolution on the Iranian nuclear programme without delay and implement the requirements of the IAEA Board, RIA Novosti reported.

The statement of the 'Six', which includes the U.S., China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany, was made at the session of the Council of Governors of the IAEA by the delegation from Germany.

The 'Six' also expressed 'deep concern that Iran continues its nuclear activities contrary to the relevant resolutions of the IAEA Board of Governors and the UN Security Council, including the recent installation of more advanced centrifuges, as well as installation of additional centrifuges in Natanz and Fordu, the production of enriched uranium and construction of the IR-40 reactor in Arak'.

The last round of negotiations on the nuclear programme between Iran and the 'Six' countries (U.S., UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) took place on April 5-6 in Kazakhstan. The parties made a number of new proposals concerning the Iranian nuclear programme and agreed to set a date for new consultations soon.

The U.S., and other Western countries and Israel suspect Iran of developing nuclear weapons under the guise of a peaceful nuclear energy programme. Tehran denies the charges saying its nuclear programme is for civilian purposes.

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