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Total reaffirms its commitment to wind energy

4 May 2020 11:15 (UTC+04:00)
Total reaffirms its commitment to wind energy

By Trend

A key factor in lowering global CO2 emissions will be to electrify the economy, and renewable energies will be instrumental to this end, a source in Total company told Trend.

"Becoming the responsible energy major means taking this reality into account by investing heavily in solar, onshore wind and, now, offshore wind," the source said. "These fast-growing energy sources present a number of advantages: they are abundant, clean, efficient and increasingly competitive."

"Total recently continued its growth in renewable energies with two substantial investments in offshore and onshore wind power," the source said. "The Group has signed an agreement with the developer Simply Blue Energy to acquire a stake in the pioneering floating wind project Erebus, located in the Celtic Sea in Wales. The project will have a 96-megawatt capacity and will be installed in an area with water depth of 70 meters."

"With this project, Total is a pioneer on two fronts: it is one of the first movers in this technology in the United Kingdom, the world’s largest offshore wind market, and it is tapping the potential of a completely wind-turbine-free zone," the source said.

"This emerging technology has great potential, opening access to sites further offshore, which have less of an impact on the landscape, and harnessing very strong wind resources," the source said. "Total will bring its expertise in offshore operations to ensure future success in this field."

Total and the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic SOCAR participate in the Absheron field’s joint development project. The field is located in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, southeast of Baku. Its development is carried out by JOCAP, a joint venture of SOCAR and Total. The drilling operations are conducted by SOCAR CDC.

Absheron field is one of the biggest gas condensate fields in Azerbaijan, as well as the biggest discovery by Total over the past 10 years. Its development will make an important contribution to ensuring growing domestic demand for natural gas in Azerbaijan and increasing the export revenues.


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