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Azerbaijan liberates key Jabrayil city [PHOTO]

4 October 2020 16:53 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan liberates key Jabrayil city [PHOTO]

Azerbaijan liberated from occupation Jabrayil city and nine villages of the region on October 4.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev reported about it on his official Twitter page.

"Today the Azerbaijani army liberated Jabrayil city and several villages of the region. Long live Azerbaijan Army! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!" the message reads.

The liberated districts are Karkhulu, Shukurbayli, Yukhari Maralyan, Charakan, Dashkasan, Horovlu, Dejal, Mahmudlu and Jafarabad.

Addressing the nation later on that day, Aliyev said: “We will restore all our cities. We will restore all our mosques destroyed by the Armenians. Life will return to these places. We have put an end to the attempts of Armenians to change our historical names and falsify history, to erase the historical and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people. The historical names of our settlements are being restored and they will be restored,” the president emphasized.

Liberation of Jabrayil followed Azerbaijan’s victory in Madagiz (Sugovushan) village between Tartar and Aghdara districts that along with seven villages in Tartar, Jabrayil and Fuzulu regions were taken back after years of Armenian occupation.

“Today, the people of Jabrayil, of course, are happy, as indeed are all the people of Azerbaijan. Yesterday, our ancient settlement, the Sugovushan settlement was liberated from occupation. All the people of Azerbaijan celebrated this historic event, congratulated each other and could not hold back their tears. These were the tears of joy. Azerbaijan shed tears in the early 1990s but those were tears of defeat, tears of tragedy,” the president said.

Armenia launched attacks on Azerbaijani civilians and military along the line of contact on September 27, killing 111 civilians so far. Azerbaijan started counter-attack operations, recapturing strategic heights and villages.


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