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Chingiz Abdullayev's work highlighted in Baku [VIDEO]

16 August 2020 10:00 (UTC+04:00)
Chingiz Abdullayev's work highlighted in Baku [VIDEO]

By Laman Ismayilova

Chingiz Abdullayev is brilliant in creating suspenseful plots that captivate readers. He is known mostly for his detective novels, which became extremely popular among book lovers around the world.

Second Branch of Sabunchu District Centralized Library System in Baku has prepared a video about the prominent writer.

The video provides insight into life and work of Chingiz Abdullayev, an author of more than 86 works.

Copies of his books exceed 20 million copies, mostly detective novels and short stories in the Russian language.

His detective stories Blue Angels, The Law of Scoundrels, Better to Be Holy, The Shadow of Herod, and Three Colors of Blood have been included into the Golden Fund of World Detective Literature.

In May, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Secretary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union Chingiz Abdullayev with the Order of Friendship.

The writer received this honorable order for his service in strengthening friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

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