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Aspects that make Azerbaijani army one of first in world: reforms in three phases

17 July 2023 16:00 (UTC+04:00)
Aspects that make Azerbaijani army one of first in world: reforms in three phases
Qabil Ashirov
Qabil Ashirov
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Given the weapons the Ukraine received from Western countries and how the capabilities of the Ukrainian Army increased after acquiring these weapons in the war, the Azerbaijani Army can be considered one of the strongest armies not only in the region, but in the world. The mentioned facts are not rhetoric, but a true indication of a recent historical event.

Actually, prior to the Ukrainian Crisis, Azerbaijan proved its military capacity in the 44-day War in 2020. However, as new challenges appear, Azerbaijan is not self-conceited and works on further development. The country purchases new weapons, the capacity of the domestic defense industry increases day by day and simultaneously the government makes reforms in the Army.

Speaking to Azernews, the military expert Ramil Mammadli noted that after the 44-day War, the Azerbaijan Army has been further modernized thanks to the implemented reforms.

“As Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated, an environment of close cooperation with Turkiye was formed. First of all, the ground forces were formed as a separate structure, and commando military formations were created within it. Commando military formations are one of the third most important phases of the reform in the direction of professionalization of our army, organization of professional military personnel,” the military analyst said.

He mentioned that in the second phase of reforms there were creation of the contract soldiers’ structure and the creation of Special Forces. He emphasized that it is the development of this structure in a new format.

“I consider it [creation of commando units] the third phase of reforms. Besides that, it is clear what form of the process will take. Of course, the Azerbaijani army will not turn back on the conscriptions. However, the number of professional military personnel will be increased in special types of troops in special forces, in Sea Cats of the naval forces, and in other types of troops. This is part of the long-term project, the third wave, and one of the main periods, launched in the direction of organizing the personnel of the army from professional military personnel,” he opined.

The Pundit also touched on the issue of purchasing modern weapons and ammunition. He underscored that the Azerbaijani army is constantly enriching its arsenal with modern weapons and equipment.

“Among these weapons, the main directions are rocket-artillery air defense systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other military means. But now the situation is about to change. Armenia, which faced a humiliating defeat in the 44-day war, is already trying to purchase UAVs and anti-UAV systems. In this regard, the Azerbaijani army is obliged to start a number of new projects,” Ramil Mammadli said.

At the same time, the pundit thinks that Azerbaijan has already started these projects. He noted that the projects include improving Azerbaijan's air defense system; identifying and neutralizing low-flying vehicles and so on.

“Low-flying vehicles also cover UAVs. As is known, the capabilities of UAVs are already wider. More precisely, it is considered a dangerous military tool in terms of detecting and destroying certain targets. Therefore, Azerbaijan has a great need for anti-UAV systems and, of course, work is being done in this direction, as well,” R.Mammadli said.

Regarding the issue of military equipment, the expert underlined that Azerbaijan has already tested its equipment in the 44-day war. He mentioned that in order to further enrich these technical capabilities, cooperation is being established with the local defense industry sector, as well as with foreign defense industry enterprises. Besides, he recalled that Azerbaijan is expected to purchase new tactical missile systems, about which Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has made a statement.

“Also, thanks to the ground troops, reforms are being carried out, and here we are talking about the acquisition of new equipment and technologies. However, in general, the Azerbaijani army had sufficiently enriched its technical capabilities even before the war. It is expected that the process will continue in this way. Also, the matter is that buying newer products may not be profitable. Buying every modern weapon may not be important,” the military analyst said.

He added that, within the next year, the foundation of the agreement will be laid in the direction of renewing the naval forces of the Ministry of Defense and equipping them with new warships. Besides, according to him, measures will be taken to develop the naval forces.


Qabil Ashirov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @g_Ashirov

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