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Professor: Hague Court and ECHR explained basics of math to Armenians

16 July 2023 16:37 (UTC+04:00)
Professor: Hague Court and ECHR explained basics of math to Armenians

On July 12, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rejected the claim of Armenia dated June 21, 2023, the purpose of which was to introduce a temporary interim measure against Azerbaijan in connection with the installation of a border checkpoint at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi road. Thus, by its decision, the ECHR once again confirmed the groundlessness of Armenia's demand to "remove all obstacles to traffic along the Lachin corridor and notify the Committee of Ministers about this".

Recall that on July 6, the International Court of Justice sent Armenia to the same place. It was denied permission to consider the border checkpoint in Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory as illegal.

At the request of Armenia itself, the International Court of Justice and the ECHR ruled what was expected and required of them, namely, they strengthened by their decision a very simple circumstance: there is a Westphalian international system and modern international relations are based on it. And they are based on the sovereignty of states over their entire territory.

According to Azernews, Rovshan Ibrahimov, a political analyst and professor at the Hanguk University of Regional Studies (Seoul), told Day.Az.

According to him, Armenia's completely absurd request to recognize the installation of the border checkpoint by Azerbaijan on its own borders as illegal could not receive support. An exception could be the situation if the court was politicized and biased.

“Of course, the International Court of Justice and the ECHR considered the condition of the border checkpoint in the framework of the Tripartite Statement of November 10, where it is written in black and white that the passage must be safe. And what can guarantee security better than a border checkpoint? “on the way, which is not in the document, about the sacred meaning of the Lachin corridor, putting something of its own into the concept of “corridor”, holding our breath from excitement,” the expert noted.

R.Ibrahimov noted that for all the years of the Karabakh conflict, no resolutions, even to a small extent legitimizing the claims of the separatists, have been adopted. Despite the fact that the Armenians say that the "NKR", they say, has taken place, not a single country in the world, including Armenia, has officially recognized this. And without this, it is impossible to appear on the world map.

"The International Court of Justice and the ECHR have simply ruled once again that the sovereignty of any state is the basis of international law, and aspects such as border control at the borders of sovereign countries cannot be discussed and questioned. Even if the Trilateral Statement would imply some limiting the sovereignty of Azerbaijan, this document itself would be recognized as directed against the basic postulates of international law and revised.

In a word, all those who demand to remove the border checkpoint, to return the previous permit regime, which was not an obligation, but only the goodwill of Azerbaijan, demonstrate, I will not be afraid of this word, a sick perception of the world. If anyone with such a sick perception in world starts squealing, squeaking and whining again that the border checkpoint is illegal and needs to be removed, whoever it is, you need to stick the decisions of the IC and the ECHR in his eyes. And to explain to the Armenian side the basics of two by two is four: all their statements have no legal basis, this is just a political manipulation, an attempt to wishful thinking. And only stupid ones can repeat this three times," the political analyst said.


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