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Azerbaijan's perseverance waters down Iran's plot to antithesize Tabriz against Baku

16 February 2023 10:45 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan's perseverance waters down Iran's plot to antithesize Tabriz against Baku
Elnur Enveroglu
Elnur Enveroglu
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Since the early years of independence, Azerbaijan's unfainting perseverance in the face of persevering provocations and hard-line policies of Iran's mullahcracy has so far watered down Tehran's despicable plots to derail the nation's determination and resolute steps to defend its own sovereignty and turn into a force of attraction in the complex geography for own citizens and ethnic co-brothers left on the other bank of the Araz River by force by becoming a worthy member of the civilized world.

Yet another proof of Iran's fresh devious plot was ignorance by ethnic Azerbaijanis of the regime's show designed to send a signal to Baku that those, whom it calls co-brothers, are unrelated to the independent Azerbaijan but Iranians. However, reports available disheartened the Persian regime as the turnout was the least and they were regime supporters.

Amid solidarity at home and the government's determination to protect co-brothers irrespective of their places of residence, both compelled Iran's ruling regime to sensitize ethnic Azerbaijanis in Iran to secular Azerbaijan. However, this time again the plot backfired.

Iran has started to disguise its anti-Azerbaijani provocative plans. Until then, the regime, which has made dozens of attempts, has already decided to hit Azerbaijan with those from among its own nation based on its assumptions. It is all about the recent protest in Tabriz by a group of so-called "Azerbaijani" activists against the Azerbaijani government in order to defend the Iranian mullahcracy.

In a remark on the issue, the head of the Middle East Research Centre, political analyst Sadraddin Soltan, has told Azernews that the Iranian authorities are cooperating with the Armenian media in such provocative actions.

It should be noted that the incident was immediately published in the Armenian media. According to the expert, the organizers of this action are also related to the parties that perpetrated the terrorist act against the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran.

"In my opinion, those who organized these protests in Tabriz are the ones who devised and plotted the terrorist act against our embassy. Undoubtedly, traces of the Iranian regime can be seen in both cases here."

Sadraddin Soltan also touched upon the motives behind the incident. He emphasized that the organizational line creates identity in these events.

"Not so long ago, in summer of 2022, a group of people held a protest action against Azerbaijan in front of the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, and the slogans they chanted there were the same as the slogans chanted by several ‘religious’ women in front of the street and subway in Baku last year. This shows that the plot line, slogans, and objectives are identical.

Talking about the presence of ethnic Azerbaijanis in the protest as well as the presence of IRGC (Islamic Revolution Guard Corps - SEPAH) and other intelligence related to Iran, the pundit said:

"Finding such people is not a difficult task. These types of people are everywhere. The group may have one or two members from Iran's Basij and IRGC. Because Azerbaijanis are also represented in the aforementioned secret organizations. And it is not difficult for the regime to prepare a group of such provocateurs and order an attack against Azerbaijan."

The political analyst added that during a recent game of the Tabriz Tractor Sazi football club that was played following the devastating quake in Turkiye, fans were holding posters, reading "Southern Azerbaijan stands by Turkiye", "Your joy is our joy, your pain is our pain", "Long live Azerbaijan and Turkiye".

In his opinion, similar developments once again prove Iran's hypocrisy.

Thus, the political expert also spoke about the goals of the provocation and shed light on what the Iranian authorities have tried to say about their recent sinister plan.

"The regime wants to say that the world does not defend the violated rights of Azerbaijani Turks. All of them are supposedly on the side of the Tehran regime.”

However, it is a fact that the state of Azerbaijan wants to ensure the primary national rights of Azerbaijani Turks, who are deprived of their basic rights in Iran and do not even have a school in their mother tongue. Azerbaijan has also made this line one of the priorities of its foreign policy.


Elnur Enveroglu is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on @ElnurMammadli1

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