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Azerbaijani parliamentarians condemn French Senate resolution

17 November 2022 11:50 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijani parliamentarians condemn French Senate resolution

By Fatima Hasanova

The anti-Azerbaijani resolution of the French Senate was condemned by Members of Milli Majlis (parliament) and Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudswoman), Sabina Aliyeva, Azernews reports.

MP Kamran Bayramov said at today's parliamentary session that France passed a resolution against Azerbaijan that contradicts international law due to Islamophobic, Turkophobic, and pro-Armenian diaspora activity.

Bayramov noted that France's activity causes rising tensions in the region and slows the peace-building process.

"France shows an obvious pro-Armenian position. This resolution is an example of hypocrisy and duplicity. This prejudiced step by France should be politically assessed," he said.

The French Senate's anti-Azerbaijani resolution, according to MP Tural Ganjaliyev, is a move against Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The country that should have taken care of international law and peace, is trampling on it. How is France going to talk about international law and peace after that? This biased step seriously hinders the peace process in the region. The resolution is a result of France's destructive politics. It is important for those who see themselves as "new Napoleons" to remember that Azerbaijan should not be treated this way," he said.

MP Cavanshir Feyziyev stressed that France's desire to defend its geopolitical interests in the region is evidenced by the passage of this biased resolution. He noted that the resolution prevents the regional peacebuilding process.

"Several forces, including France, are not interested in peace in the region, thus they make waves in order to ensure their own interests," said Feyziyev.

Parliamentary Speaker Sahiba Gafarova said that it is well-known that during the 44-day war and after the war, the French government tried to achieve the adoption of documents at international organizations against Azerbaijan.

She pointed out that in every line of the resolution passed by the Senate yesterday, there is hatred towards the Azerbaijani people.

"This resolution adopted in the French Senate without any moral, legal and political rights shows that they are ready to harm the relations between EU, France, and Azerbaijan. We call on France to stop trying to portray Armenia as a victim rather than an aggressor,” Gafarova stressed.

She also added that in the last two years, the French parliament several times has shown an unfair position about Azerbaijan. The document adopted by the French Senate is a malicious and dirty political act against Azerbaijan.

“The resolution, which creates hatred for the people and state of Azerbaijan from every line, should be evaluated as an act to justify Armenia's territorial claims and usurpation policy against our country,” she concluded.

The resolution was rejected by other deputies as well, who pointed out that it runs against international law.

By the end of the Azerbaijani Parliament session, a statement in response to the French Senate's anti-Azerbaijani resolution was adopted.

The statement says that this resolution violates bilateral obligations between France and Azerbaijan.

It was noted that respect for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan stems from both bilateral and multilateral obligations of the French government.

"This resolution clearly shows that France takes the side of Armenia and discriminates against Azerbaijan," the statement adds.

Azerbaijani Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudswoman) Sabina Aliyeva also expressed dissatisfaction with the anti-Azerbaijani resolution adopted by the French Senate.

She sent a statement to international organizations and other structures regarding the issue.

The statement says that such a resolution of the Senate of the country, which for 30 years has not expressed any objections to the actions of Armenia, which occupied the historical lands of Azerbaijan, is an example of disrespect for human rights and freedoms. As a result of acts of vandalism committed by the political and military authorities of Armenia, thousands of civilians were killed or injured, including a significant number of children and women. In addition to all of the above serious humanitarian problems have arisen in the region.

"One of the documents binding for all UN member states, including the French state is the UN Charter. Once again, we remind the members of the French Senate about Article 2 of the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, and the principles enshrined in these documents, in particular, that it is non-interference in matters falling within the internal jurisdiction of states, inviolability of borders, respect for the territorial integrity of states and fundamental human rights and freedoms," Ombudswoman concluded.

On November 15, the French Senate adopted a draft law on the imposition of sanctions against Azerbaijan, based on Article 34-1 of the French Constitution. Out of 296 members, who participated in the meeting, 295 voted in favor of the project and 1 voted against it. The authors of the project demand that "Azerbaijan and its partners respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia, as well as the return of all Armenian prisoners of war".


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