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Azerbaijan files criminal case against Armenian extremists attacking Paris embassy [PHOTO]

19 September 2022 17:59 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan files criminal case against Armenian extremists attacking Paris embassy [PHOTO]

By Vugar Khalilov

The Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office has launched a criminal case against the Armenian extremists, who attacked the Azerbaijani embassy building in Paris, France, Azernews reports.

The agency underlined that various local and foreign media resources published video footage showing several members of a radical Armenian group attempting forcibly enter the administrative building of the Azerbaijan Embassy in France.

As a preliminary probe into the case revealed, a number of unknown extremist gang members cooperated in advance with the goal of straining international relations to trigger tension and cause a conflict in violation of the requirements of the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents.

Reasonable suspicions were established that the extremists attempted to forcefully enter the embassy's administrative building using various objects as weapons to inflict material damage on the facility and the surrounding area.

In light of this, the prosecutor-general charged the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor-General's Office with initiating a criminal case under the Azerbaijani Criminal Code Articles 12.3, 102 (attack on internationally protected persons or organizations), and 12.2, 186.1 (deliberate destruction or damage to other people's property).

In line with international criminal case rules and principles, necessary measures are being taken to determine the circle of culpable individuals and subject them to criminal accountability through a full, complete, and objective investigation, the office said.

Meanwhile, the House of Azerbaijan in Paris has urged the world community to condemn the recent large-scale provocations carried out by the Armenian armed forces on the Azerbaijani border, Azernews reports, citing the Azerbaijani State Committee for Work with the Diaspora.

The committee said in a statement that Armenia's military-political leadership bears full responsibility for the military provocation, conflict, and losses during the latest provocation.

The committee emphasized the Azerbaijani community's serious concern in Paris over Armenia's aggressive attitude, which is violating international law and obstructing the normalization process and peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan as brokered by the EU.

The House of Azerbaijan in Paris urged international organizations to take tangible actions and strengthen efforts to put an end to Armenia's aggression and vengeance policy, as well as compel it to accept the peaceful solution to the conflict.

In the same vein, the Azerbaijani community held a sanctioned demonstration in Prague, the State Committee for Work with Diaspora said in a separate report.

During the protest in Krizhovnitskaya Square, community representatives protested the large-scale provocation conducted by Armenian armed troops near Azerbaijan's sovereign borders.

They drew the local public's attention to the destruction of Azerbaijani cultural heritage, acts of vandalism committed by Armenia on Azerbaijani lands with the complete silence of international organizations, and factors impeding regional peace.

During the rally, a list of Azerbaijani servicemen, who died while preventing the latest Armenian provocation, as well as slogans such as "Stop Armenian aggression!", "Stop Armenian terror!", "UNESCO, safeguard Azerbaijani heritage in Iravan!", and "Stop Armenian vandalism!" were displayed.

Farid Amiraliyev, an Azerbaijani diaspora activist, coordinated the picket.

To recap, units of the Armenian armed forces carried out large-scale provocations along the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border in the Dashkasan, Kalbajar, and Lachin directions on the night of September 12 leading to 13. The Armenian sabotage groups mined land and supply roads linking the positions of the Azerbaijani army units in different directions, taking advantage of the area's steep topography and existing ravine gaps.

The clashes between the sides ensued as a result of the urgent efforts made by the Azerbaijani armed forces to quell these activities. As a result, 79 armed forces personnel were killed, the ministry detailed.

The Azerbaijan military units stationed in these areas took decisive retaliatory measures to suppress the provocations of the Armenian armed forces and military threats to Azerbaijan's territory and sovereignty, as well as to ensure the safety of military personnel, including civilian workers involved in infrastructure construction in Kalbajar and Lachin districts, the ministry emphasized.

So far, the Armenian government reported 135 losses among its own military personnel.


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