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Azerbaijan denies Russian claims on biological warfare centers in country

7 May 2022 12:05 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan denies Russian claims on biological warfare centers in country

Azerbaijan has denied the information on the availability of scientific research centers on biological warfare, State Security Service of Azerbaijan has reported.

The agency noted that Russia's representatives have repeatedly stressed that Azerbaijan has centers conducting scientific research on biological warfare, which are financially supported by third countries.

According to the agency, these statements are serious a serious cause for public concern.

"In this regard, we would like to note that such scientific centers have never functioned in Azerbaijan, and no research that could be harmful to people's health has been carried out. It's regrettable that such misinformation is being voiced at international events, as well as at the UN. Meanwhile, based on partnerships, we're ready to investigate specific facts if they're provided by the opposite side on this issue," the statement said.

Azerbaijan has never used biological warfare, on the other hand, it was a victim of eco-terrorism from the Armenian side.

E co-terrorism often described as environmental warfare consisting of the deliberate and illegal destruction, exploitation, or modification of the environment as a strategy of war or in times of armed conflict. Currently, eco-terrorism is what we can call actions of Armenia in legal Azerbaijani territories during the last 30 years.

Armenians resorted to large-scale acts of ecological terror in regions they had to leave under the trilateral November peace deal that stipulated the return of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories.

The clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan escalated for the second time in 2020 after Armenia's forces deployed in the occupied Azerbaijani lands targeted Azerbaijani civilian settlements and military positions, causing casualties among civilians and the military. In the early hours of September 27, Azerbaijan launched a counter-offensive operation that lasted six weeks. The operation resulted in the liberation of Azerbaijan's occupied lands.

A Russia-brokered ceasefire deal that Azerbaijan and Armenia signed on November 10, 2020, brought an end to the 44-day war between the two countries. The Azerbaijani army declared a victory against the Armenian troops. The signed agreement obliged Armenia to withdraw its troops from the Azerbaijani lands that it had occupied.

Azerbaijan and Russia have mutual cooperation in different fields, such as economy, agriculture, customs, communications, high technology, and others. More than 230 intergovernmental and intercompany documents have been signed between the two countries and six "road maps" are being implemented.


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