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UN approves another resolution confirming Azerbaijan's territorial integrity

19 December 2019 18:05 (UTC+04:00)
UN approves another resolution confirming Azerbaijan's territorial integrity

By Rasana Gasimova

The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution reaffirming once again that the Nagorno-Karabakh region is Azerbaijan’s territory.

The relevant Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations was confirmed at the plenary meeting on December 18.

UN’s Special Committee, upon the suggestion of the Azerbaijani delegation, confirmed in the report that the Nagorno-Karabakh region is the territory of Azerbaijan. Furthermore, the report recalled the obligations of states to refrain from the threat or use of force and notes the importance of state sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

The attempts of the Armenian delegation to remove the wording that didn’t suit their interest from the report of the Special Committee, and persuade UN member states to amend the text of the resolution, were unsuccessful.

During the discussions, no country supported Armenia’s proposal, and the resolution adopted by the General Assembly was approved by all UN member states, except Armenia.

So far, the UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. All of these resolutions express support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and spell out a requirement for the immediate withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

The first resolution of the UN Security Council on the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was adopted on April 30, 1993. The document was called "Resolution of the UN Security Council №822". The resolution stated that the stability and security of the region is under threat, a cease-fire was required by stopping occupation actions and military operations, as well as the withdrawal of aggressor forces from the territories of Kalbajar and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

A regular meeting of the UN Security Council was held at the end of July 2013, and resolution №853 on the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was adopted at it. This resolution reflected the demands for the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces from the territories of Agdam and other occupied regions of Azerbaijan.

The UN Security Council once again brought up the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and adopted Resolution №874 on October 14, 1994. This resolution expressed acute concern over the tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the escalation of hostilities on the front line, the numerous victims and the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, supported the efforts of the CSCE to resolve the conflict, once again reaffirmed respect for the territorial integrity of states.

The UN Security Council, on the basis of an appeal from Azerbaijan, once again brought up for discussion the situation in connection with the continuation of the conflict and adopted Resolution №884 on November 11, 1994. This Resolution expressed concern about the occupation of the village of Horadiz and the Zangilan region, voiced the demand for the withdrawal of all the occupied troops from these territories.

In March 2008, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 62/243, reaffirming the position of the international community expressed in Security Council resolutions. Based on these resolutions of the UN Security Council, dozens of other resolutions were adopted by various countries and international organizations requiring the withdrawal of the Armenian occupation forces from Azerbaijan.

Armenia refuses to comply with any of these resolutions to this day.


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