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Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO]

11 November 2022 17:19 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO]

By Laman Ismayilova

The Azerbaijani embassy in Prague has celebrated Victory Day (Nov.8) and the Year of Shusha, Azernews reports.

Some 20 ambassadors accredited to the Czech Republic, members of business and scientific circles, youth and community organizations attended the event.

In his opening remarks, Azerbaijani Ambassador to the Czech Republic Adish Mammadov praised the prowess and courage of the Azerbaijani army under the Commander-in-Chief, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from the Armenian occupation.

Adish Mammadov spoke about the exceptional importance of Victory Day in Azerbaijan's modern history. He outlined that Azerbaijan restored not only its territorial integrity, but also historical justice, and fulfilled the norms and principles of international law.

The ambassador pointed out that Azerbaijan has left behind the conflict that existed for nearly 30 years and that the Azerbaijani IDPs, whose fundamental rights have been violated for decades, will soon return safely to their homeland.

The diplomat added that new realities are emerging in the region, and a favorable ground has been created for the strengthening of peace and stability.

He stressed that Azerbaijan is promoting peace and cooperation in the region. The country carries out reconstruction and restoration works in the liberated territories, as well as important infrastructure projects.

Adish Mammadov pointed out that the people of Azerbaijan are a tolerant nation and the political course led by President Ilham Aliyev is based on the principles of friendly-neighborhood relations and the creation of regional cooperation.

The diplomat underlined that the Azerbaijani state is ready for the normalization of relations with Armenia, and there is hope that a peace treaty will be signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan as a result of the negotiations by the end of this year.

The ambassador also spoke about the special place of the city of Shusha in Azerbaijan's culture and history.

He brought to the attention of the event participants that this year is declared in Azerbaijan as the Year of Shusha in connection with the city's 270th anniversary.

The diplomat also informed about the restoration works carried out in Shusha, which was a victim of Armenian vandalism, as well as the international festival and other events held there.

Adish Mammadov gave information about the history and rich culture of the city and noted that Shusha is the hometown of many composers and singers, who had exceptional services in the development and formation of Azerbaijani folk music.

In his speech, he also mentioned the book Karabakhnama, consisting of poems and short stories, written by Leyla Begim, a member of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers, who lives in the Czech Republic. The book was published with the support of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Prague and contains poems dedicated to Karabakh.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador of Turkiye Egemen Bagis congratulated the people and the government of Azerbaijan on Victory Day.

The ambassador mentioned the quote "One nation, two states" which belongs to Azerbaijan's national leader Heydar Aliyev. He added that President of Azerbaijani Ilham Aliyev and President of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan consider each other as brothers and that he is proud to represent Azerbaijan as well as his country in the Czech Republic.

He underlined that Azerbaijan's historic victory has sown the seeds of lasting peace and tranquility in the region.

Egemen Bagis pointed out that Turkiye will continue to stand by the fraternal Azerbaijani people to promote security, stability, and cooperation in the South Caucasus and will contribute to the construction works in the liberated territories.

Furthermore, Jala Rasulova (piano) and Aleksandra Tirsu (violin), performed classical music works of famous Azerbaijani and world composers.

The event participants watched a video about Shusha's 270th anniversary and tried samples of Azerbaijani traditional food.

In conclusion, poetess Leyla Begim expressed her gratitude to the embassy for the initiative and support in the creation of her book and informed the participants about her literary activity. It took years to create the publication.

In the end, the participants were given copies of the book signed by the author.


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Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijani embassy in Prague marks Victory Day [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
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