
Saturday July 27 2024

Number of countries importing services from Azercosmos increases

31 January 2024 18:30 (UTC+04:00)
Number of countries importing services from Azercosmos increases
Nigar Hasanova
Nigar Hasanova
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Last year, the Space Agency Azercosmos under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport exported satellite telecommunication services worth 19.8 million US dollars to 48 countries, Azernews reports.

This was reported in the January issue of the Export Review of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms.

This is 6 more countries and 6.8 million USD or 25.6 % less than in 2022, respectively.

In 2023, Azercosmos' income from service exports made up 78 % of its total income.

The top five exporters of satellite telecommunication services in the reporting period are the United Kingdom with 5.8 million US dollars, Luxembourg with 4.1 million US dollars, the United Arab Emirates with 1.6 million US dollars, Germany with 1 million US dollars and 724.9 thousand Nigeria settled with the US dollar.

In the last month of 2023 alone, Azercosmos exported services worth 1.8 million US dollars to 45 countries, which is 9 more countries and 0.5 million US dollars ( 21.7 %) less than the indicators of a year ago.


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