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French minister refers to Zangazur Corridor in his anti-Azerbaijan statement

3 April 2024 14:11 (UTC+04:00)
French minister refers to Zangazur Corridor in his anti-Azerbaijan statement
Fatima Latifova
Fatima Latifova
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Having lost its hopes in Russia after its humiliating defeat in the Second Garabagh War, the government of Yerevan completely severed its ties with Moscow and began to incline itself towards the European Union and NATO. During this process, the biggest supporter of Armenia in Europe was France. The interesting thing is that official Paris, which once used its time in the OSCE Mink Group to its advantage, no longer hides its biased policy after Azerbaijan's glorious victory over Armenia. Undoubtedly, France cannot swallow the loss of its power in Africa and the Middle East, the end of colonial traditions, and aggressively welcomes the struggle of peoples for their freedom and liberation of their lands.

It is no secret that France has historically committed massacres on the oppressed peoples of the African continent for centuries and reached the level of the current "civilised" country by exploiting human labour. Now France has started targeting Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus to fill the gaps in its failed colonialization policy.
In particular, the conclusion of the Garabagh conflict and the opening of the Zangazur Corridor are the main topics of concern for the French government. Because the opening of this Corridor is a project that will strengthen the economic and political ties of the Turkic World, as well as the return of the historical lands of Azerbaijan, and will also be useful for the countries in and around the South Caucasus.

Undoubtedly, the unity of the Turkish states is an abstraction that is not welcomed and even feared in the West. Europe's prejudices against the Turkic nations so far prove that such a crusading mentality has further developed in the 21st century.

Besides, France, adhering to tradition, is trying to prevent the Zangazur Corridor project from becoming a reality by conducting military exercises in Armenia and spreading terrorist thinking in the South Caucasus.

Paris carries out propaganda against Azerbaijan in the political arena. The allegations made by the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Stéphane Séjourné regarding Azerbaijan, demonstrate the intention to target Azerbaijan using all the possibilities, disrupt the peace process in the South Caucasus, and turn the region into a new source of conflict.

President Emanuel Macron intends to rise to the European leadership with his statements about the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Garabagh issue. But his incompetent position in politics not only makes himself ridiculous but also causes serious problems for France.

Because official Moscow and Berlin are carefully following the steps of Paris and taking notes to raise issues in the future for any consequences. So far, Germany's response to France has been to veto all of Macron's proposals to the European Union.

It is interesting that there are not a few countries that share the same interests as France and support Armenia. Iranian officials also implement the same policy as Macron regarding the Zangazur Corridor and try to suppress Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus under the guise of a religious brother.

The main evidence of this is the suggestion made by Iranian MP Jalal Rashidi Kuchi regarding the shooting of the Israeli embassy in Baku. The targeting of Azerbaijan-Israel relations by the Iranian authorities in various forms is no different from the propaganda carried out by France in the United States.

It should not be forgotten that for 30 years, Armenia committed countless crimes on the lands of Azerbaijan and vandalised historical and cultural monuments. During this period, neither France, the guardian of culture and humanism, nor Iran, which is considered the "symbol" of Islam in the region, had a single voice.


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