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Spanish parliament follows pro-Armenian France's stance

21 October 2023 20:00 (UTC+04:00)
Spanish parliament follows pro-Armenian France's stance
Abbas Ganbay
Abbas Ganbay
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Azerbaijan's great victory in liberating its ancestral territory from barbaric invaders went down in history as the Holy Patriotic War. Having the full right to return the territories that originally belonged to Azerbaijan without violating international law, a chain wave of reactions and condemnation, propaganda, and hatred went through the world, and only by justice were those who congratulated Azerbaijan on its freedom from the shackles of black magic that had been haunting it for many decades.

The world is beginning to rebuild, and a lot of attention from Western countries and organizations is focused on the Caucasus, and it is worth asking why now. The countries that have been silent in the world network for tens of years on the atrocities committed by Armenia in Azerbaijan, after which millions of people were forced to leave their homes and leave their land, have started to raise their voices of hatred and shout about "justice for Armenians" in response to the return by Azerbaijan, the root of its territories from the invaders.

Today, the Middle East wars are breaking out at the same time as the war continues in the West, conflict after conflict, epidemics, and then disasters. Society has begun to forget that there is a global media controlled by a handful of people, and it is important to ask why one thing is covered and another is not. What is going on behind the scenes? The information war lasts for more than a century, if not more, and having in hand this source of power as propaganda of information, especially as it is controlled and guided, it is possible to do good deeds, and perhaps vice versa, and often use the last one.

The wave of information hatred after the "bummer" of the West to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan has shifted to many coordinated actions and efforts on the part of Western powers, organizations of European countries, and other corrupt institutions to combat violence as well as for human rights, where in reality everything acts as a fiction for pressure and manipulation.

Following pro-Armenian France, it was Spain, on 17 October seven factions of the Spanish parliament adopted a statement where they referred to the liberated territories of Azerbaijan as "Azerbaijan's unjustified attack, which is a threat to regional security and stability" and accused Azerbaijan of attacking the non-existent "Nagorno-Karabakh", I have already written how information works in the hands of immoral people.

Further, the statement of the corrupt Spanish faction falsely states under the influence of substance that Azerbaijan refuses to implement the ceasefire agreement of 9 November 2020, as well as does not comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice.

"Spanish lawmakers demanded that Azerbaijan immediately stop military action, recalling that the country once ratified the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. They condemned the human casualties recorded on the Armenian side as a result of Azerbaijan's actions, expressing solidarity with the Armenian population of Garabagh.

The statement said that the European Union can and should contribute to finding a lasting negotiated solution to the conflict.

As Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said during his solemn speech in liberated Khankendi, 17 years of negotiations with mediators in the conflict gave zero results as well as long years of discussions and negotiations at the international level to achieve justice, to condemn terrorists and butchers of the separatist clan who committed genocide against Azerbaijanis, Khojaly genocide and many other atrocities to which the international bodies, having the right to them, turned a blind eye in order to prevent conflicts and bloodshed. How were they going to stop the conflict being involved in it? Only by freezing and prolonging it for many years to fulfill their nefarious plans to spread chaos and terror.

The Spanish factions are not foolish, as they know that Azerbaijan did not violate the rights of Armenians and offered them to stay in Garabagh and reintegrate, but they know what Armenia violated, and they knew about it at the congress in Granada, not having fulfilled any of the signed agreements, not having withdrawn its troops from the Azerbaijani territory, not having stopped sowing land with mines, and to this day continues to delay the signing of the peace treaty.

The Spanish Crusaders were followed by the Vatican on behalf of Pope Francis.

The Catholic leader expressed full support for the Armenians of Garabagh in a "humanitarian crisis", where the Pope spoke out against cultural genocide, demanding the protection of "Christian monasteries and places of worship in Garabagh". Francis called on the world community to take concrete action to help "refugees" from Garabagh.

The same song again, where they close their eyes, ears, and hearts to the deeds done by the clan of "crusaders" against the Azerbaijani people in support of the clan in Armenia. Time will come and the deeds done by the Vatican for centuries will come out. Azerbaijan has taken control of all the sacred places in the territory of Azerbaijan, where they will be brought to a better shape than they were before liberation.

The Vatican knows too, and here is a reminder to them.

The mosque in Aghdam, built in the 19th century, was destroyed and looted and then used as a pigsty by the Armenians. According to some official data, there are 403 historical-religious monuments in the occupied territories, of which 67 mosques, 144 temples, 192 shrines, 67 Muslim mosques (13 in Shusha, 5 in Aghdam, 16 in Fгzuli, 12 in Zangilan, 5 in Jabrail, 8 in Gubadli and 8 in Lachin) were completely destroyed by Armenians.

It is important to emphasize that 2000 monuments of Armenian history and culture, including 161 monasteries and churches, 591 khachkars (cross-stones), the excavations of numerous fortresses, castles, shrines, and other monuments have been preserved in the territories that came under Azerbaijani control. Shusha has eight state museums with 19,311 exhibits, as well as a private carpet museum and the Armenian Drama Museum that was built by Armenians after immigrating to Garabagh.


Abbas Ganbay is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter:



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