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Pashinyan's ratifying Rome Statute is hardest slap for Russia

3 October 2023 21:30 (UTC+04:00)
Pashinyan's ratifying Rome Statute is hardest slap for Russia
Rena Murshud
Rena Murshud
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The Armenian Parliament ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in its last session. It is interesting that the ratification coincides with the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to whom Armenians once took refuge. According to the claim, the decision will enter into force on October 7, that is, on the birthday of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. But although there is no evidence to say that this was a premeditated plan, Erivan's desire to prepare an unforgettable "gift" to the Russian leader is quite clear.

It should be noted that according to the ratified document, Vladimir Putin may be arrested during his visit to Armenia. This decision was proposed by Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of Armenia on September 11. According to him, if the CSTO does not fulfill its obligations, the Hague court will significantly strengthen the security of Armenia.

Such a decision of the Prime Minister was not welcomed in the country, it is even noted that this decision will lead to deep cracks in Armenia-Russia relations in the future and even more serious complications.

ЕС хочет подчинения Азербайджана, чтобы пользоваться его ресурсами, считает эксперт —

Russian political analyst Darya Grevchova, who commented to AZERNEWS, expressed her views on the issue. According to the political scientist, such a step by Pashinyan is the hardest slap for Russia.

"Armenia's current ratification of the Rome Statute shows that it has taken unfriendly steps towards Russia and is a clear manifestation of its enmity towards Russia. Although Pashinyan, who avoids Russia, has repeatedly declared that he cannot arrest Vladimir Putin, today everyone understands very well that these are empty words, and in fact, Pashinyan can take any action. Therefore, Vladimir Putin, of course, will not risk and check Pashinyan in this way."

Saying that the step taken by the Armenian leader is a blow against the Kremlin, the expert interpreted the matter as follows: "Because Armenia is a member of both the CSTO and the Council of Europe. There are also great economic relations between the countries. Most importantly, a large number of Armenians live in Russia, about 2.5 million, and huge Armenian diasporas are located in Russia. Now, this kind of policy of Pashinyan towards the west is an action to fulfill the orders of the Western and European forces. Such a step of the prime minister is also an indication that he puts his own interests above the interests of the Armenian people. If Pashinyan cared about the interests of his people, he would do everything to improve the situation. But Pashinyan appeals to Western patrons in order to remain in power, breaking relations with Russia, as well as creating a second Ukraine from his own country in the future," the expert said.

Darya Grevchova unequivocally stated that Russia will react negatively to the ratification of the Rome Statute. Also, Moscow will declare that Yerevan is taking unfriendly steps. Nevertheless, concrete action or reaction against Armenia is not expected yet.

"Russia is aware of everything and clearly sees that Pashinyan, with the help of Western curators, is trying to distance him from the South Caucasus. He wants to blame Russia for all the difficulties that Armenia is currently facing. The large protests that are currently taking place on the streets of Yerevan are also a provocation designed to disrupt the alliance between Russia and Armenia. All this will have a negative impact on our relations.

Whatever Pashinyan does is his sovereign right. But it should be noted that the West's intention is to harm Russia indirectly by means of Armenia. Helping and promising a better future for Armenians is not a characteristic of the West at all," the Russian political scientist added.

In conclusion, speaking about the effects of Pashinyan's political manoeuvres in the South Caucasus in the context of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, Darya Grevchova noted that this situation will have a positive impact on the region.

"Russia will get closer to Azerbaijan and become its main reliable partner in the Transcaucasus. Various economic and logistically important projects will be developed with Azerbaijan. In addition, it is known to everyone that Azerbaijan has close relations with Turkiye. Also, Turkiye is one of the countries that does not join sanctions against Russia. Therefore, Russia's cooperation within the Azerbaijan, Turkiye triangle will only be beneficial for all sides. Also, Moscow's interest in the development of transport corridors in addition to the region is very great. Therefore, all this will affect the strengthening of Russia-Azerbaijan and Russia-Turkiye relations. As for Armenia, its current policy is no more than to marginalise itself in this alliance," the expert added.


Rena Murshud is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @RenaTagiyeva

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