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Italian expert: New scenario of peace can be finally triggered for Azerbaijan, Armenia

2 May 2018 16:01 (UTC+04:00)
Italian expert: New scenario of peace can be finally triggered for Azerbaijan, Armenia

By Rashid Shirinov

The recent political developments in Armenia, and especially the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan last week have put a big question mark over the negotiations on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Some experts think the rule of “Karabakh clan” in Armenia is over and peace will eventually come to the region, while others believe that the current situation will hardly change.

The resignation of Sargsyan is excellent news for the Caucasus, since Armenia has been threatening the security of Azerbaijan and the whole Caucasus, Domenico Letizia, President of the Institute of International Economics and Politics Research (IREPI), told Azernews on May 2.

“A new scenario of peace and stability can be finally triggered for Azerbaijan and Armenia. Now Azerbaijan will have to continue its diplomatic efforts in order to restore its territorial sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions, as it is recognized by the UN,” the expert noted.

Speaking about the protest movement in Armenia, which aims to rid the country of the rule of Sargsyan’s Republican Party, Letizia mentioned that what is happening in Armenia shows the whole world the despotism of the Armenian ruling regime.

“Armenians realize the dictatorship of their regime. Today the world knows the dictatorship presents in this country, and the protests lead by Nikol Pashinyan are another evidence of the lack of democracy in Armenia,” the expert said.

He stressed that the current Armenian leadership should resign en masse without subjecting the Armenian people to sufferings.

However, the special meeting in the Armenian Parliament on May 1, where the MPs from the Republican Party refused to appoint Pashinyan to the post of prime minister, showed that the ruling party is not willing to leave the power.

Regardless of who will come to the power in Armenia in the near future, the new team must be aware that the patience of the population has already exhausted, and therefore, there is a huge work to do in the social and economical sphere in order to please the Armenians. One should not forget that this work will yield results only if the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict finds its fair resolution.


Rashid Shirinov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @RashidShirinov

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