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Plagued by domestic problems, Macron dispatching top diplomat to Baku to save aggressor Armenia from imminent crush

25 March 2023 09:59 (UTC+04:00)
Plagued by domestic problems, Macron dispatching top diplomat to Baku to save aggressor Armenia from imminent crush
 Fuad Muxtar-Aqbabali
Fuad Muxtar-Aqbabali
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France, in the grip of strong and nationwide protests over the irrational domestic and external policies of President Emmanuel Macron, is dispatching its Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna to Baku in the hope of “persuading” the Azerbaijani leadership “to open the Lachin road”.

The issue in question is about the road official Baku has been stating for over 100 days that it is open for normal communications but is blocked for smuggling weapons and landmines as well as servicemen from Armenia into the part of Karabakh under the temporary control of the Russian peacekeeping contingent.

The recent evidence of illicit military deliveries from Armenia to the separatists in Karabakh as demonstrated by video clips of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry indicates that Armenia is determined to aggravate the overall situation in the region to avoid signing a peace deal despite the requirements of the November 10, 2020, tripartite agreement.

However, pro-Armenian forces keep alleging that the Lachin corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan and that it is a violation of human rights, forgetting about Baku’s constitutional right to restore full control over its internationally-recognized sovereign territories.

Ahead of embarking on a journey promising absolutely nothing for Paris or Yerevan, the French foreign minister, unaware of diplomatic etiquette and good manners, in a tweet said that France condemns the so-called 'closure' of the Lachin road by Azerbaijan from the first day and that she intends to visit Baku and Yerevan to convey this message.

Well, actually, she does not need to visit Armenia as the French establishment is second to none when it comes to protecting the aggressive and separatist policies of Armenia vis-à-vis Azerbaijan.

Catherine Colonna, like the French establishment, is under influence of the Armenian propaganda, peppered and fuelled by dirty money from various Armenian diaspora and lobby groups, driven by enmity against Azerbaijan to obstruct its efforts to restore full control over its lands regained in 2020 following the second Karabakh war.

The choice of improper language and style by the top French diplomat ahead of her announced visit to the region and a plan to have a meeting with the Azerbaijani leadership once again indicate her ignorance and disrespectfulness.

At this point, we are unaware of Baku's plans with regard to meetings with Colonna. It might turn out that due to busy agenda or foreign visits, the Azerbaijani president or the foreign minister might be unable to receive her. Who cares about the journey designed to make the Armenian diaspora, and chauvinistic forces happy to enable new payments for fresh anti-Azerbaijani propaganda.

The Azerbaijani president’s position on France’s genocide of Algerians, atrocities, and abuse of aboriginals of Africa and others is well-known to the Paris establishment. The latest evidence of the abuse of the rights of Corsicans has not been forgotten and the Azerbaijani media have covered in-depth the colonial policies of France’s Macron in the second decade of the XXI century.

As a member of the Azerbaijani parliament put it rightly "it is hard to understand whether those statements were made by a minister or a student. The French foreign minister must realize that we are not the island of Corsica or countries that France enslaved, but the leading nation of the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan. Same Azerbaijan declared to the whole world about the crimes of France from the highest rostrum and urged it to apologize. And today Azerbaijan expresses its disagreement with the hypocritical and sanctimonious policy of France, putting it in its place."

The way French diplomacy manifests itself currently indicates that it has lost touch with reality. The French establishment, in particular, the Macron government is under wrong and misguided principles and forgets that it is the XXI century and they cannot and have no right to revive colonial rules wherever they wish in the vortex of events that bode no good.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna is overly active on all fronts and is trying to make up for the shortcomings of her patron Emmanuel Macron with modest breakthroughs. The desire is there, but the result leaves much to be desired. Small successes will not be able to ennoble the big negative background that Macron has accumulated over two presidential terms.

For some reason, the French leaders designated the South Caucasus as an area for a recording breakthrough for themselves, which from afar does not seem so difficult to comprehend. After the 44-day war, which took place under the sign of Azerbaijan's clear military-political advantage, Paris began to nervously reflect, because its aggressor protégé had collapsed.


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