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France coerces Armenia into deadliest conflict in region

28 March 2024 21:13 (UTC+04:00)
France coerces Armenia into deadliest conflict in region
Qabil Ashirov
Qabil Ashirov
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Reading the interview of the head of former separatists in Garabagh on a French newspaper, it becomes obvious that the fate of Armenia will not differ from the so-called "artsakh republic," and sooner or later Armenia will sign a capitulation act to dissolve itself. The head of separatists, Samvel Shahramanyan, not only gave an interview but also demonstrated that the knowledge level of Armenian state persons is down across the board.

As is known, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been fighting for over 30 years. Even the enmity between the two countries started before these countries got independence and Shahramanyan served in different positions in the puppet republic created by Armenia. Furthermore, he served in Garabagh which was considered a frontline. Thus, he must have known every detail about Azerbaijan. However, in the interview, it becomes quite clear that he does not know even the most famous facts about their enemy.

In the interview, Shahramanyan asks France to put pressure on the president of Azerbaijan to release separatists who are accused of mass killing. Here arises a question. How France can put pressure on Azerbaijan?

The trade with France was made up of 0.8 percent of Azerbaijan's trade turnover and the export to France was made up of 0.4 percent of Azerbaijan's exports in 2023. In other words, France is not Azerbaijan's trade partner. Besides, Azerbaijan and France are not partners in terms of military. Even, Western countries, including France and the USA, have been putting an embargo on Azerbaijan in terms of military equipment for over 30 years.

So, given the above facts, how can France influence Azerbaijan?France can appeal to Azerbaijan in one way, and that is to respect political and legal codes. Otherwise, Baku will not even look at the tears of Paris.

Besides, it seems Shahramanyan who could not stand before the Azerbaijani Army for more than 23 hours, has grown courage for half a year to such an extent that he starts demanding something that he does not deserve from Azerbaijan. He calls the people whom Azerbaijan detained as victims and demands Baku to release them immediately. It is very interesting that in both countries, Armenia and France, the laws against separatism and terrorism are much stricter than in Azerbaijan. Even Paris did not hesitate to use violence against people in Algeria and other of its former colonies to quench protests against France. So, what do they expect from Azerbaijan? Why should we not act with separatists, whose hands are smeared with the blood of innocent people, like Armenia and France?

To top it all off, the impudence of Shahramanyan was not limited to the above-mentioned. He dared to call Azerbaijani army occupants. It seems either Shahramanyan lost his mind, or he is spinning the world to his little finger. It is well known that no country, including Armenia, has not recognized Garabagh as a separate republic. On the contrary, all countries, including Armenia through the Almaty declaration, recognized Garabagh as an integral part of Azerbaijan.

It is not new information. It has been so for thousands of years. Throughout history, Garabagh was part of Azerbaijani states be it Shirvanshahs, Rawadids, Shaddadids, and so on. And last, let Shahramanyan not forget that with the help of propaganda and mass media, they cannot change the reality. He should take a lesson from his preceders. His preceders has not been able to change it and he will not be able to either.


Qabil Ashirov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @g_Ashirov

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