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Armenia's rejection of Azerbaijan's proposal to install border checkpoints proof of Yerevan's disinterest in regional peace

23 February 2023 08:48 (UTC+04:00)
Armenia's rejection of Azerbaijan's proposal to install border checkpoints proof of Yerevan's disinterest in regional peace

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry in a statement has accused Armenia of a lack of interest in ensuring transparency on the Lachin road, Azernews reports that this was a response to the statements by Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg Jan Asselborn.

The Armenian foreign minister, as always, is engaged in manipulation, distorting discussions, and negotiations of the peace process. Armenia, by its statement, once again demonstrates that it is not interested in peace in the region, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said.

Considering the proposal of Azerbaijan on the establishment of a border checkpoint to prevent the abuse of the Lachin road related to the plunder of the natural resources of Azerbaijan, the illegal rotation of the Armenian armed forces, the transportation of mines and ammunition, the illegal passage of third-country nationals to the territory of Azerbaijan, as the use of force, Armenia once again demonstrates that it is not interested in ensuring transparency on the Lachin road, Baku further added.

Armenia’s rejection of the proposal for a border checkpoint that would put an end to abuses on the road designed only for humanitarian needs, shows once again that the true intention of Armenia is that, echoing claims that the protests have led to a "blockade" and a "tense humanitarian situation", to continue to use the road for illegal purposes, which is contrary to the tripartite statement of November 10, 2020. This once again proves that, in fact, the allegations that the actions on the Lachin road created a "difficult humanitarian situation" have no basis, and Armenia uses this assertion solely for political purposes.

As for claims of Armenia on the international mechanism regarding the rights and security of the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, as well as on the issue of dialogue with Armenian residents, we would like to note that, as was clearly noted at the Munich talks, the rights and security of residents of Armenian origin living in the region will be provided according to the Constitution and legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the statement said.

Azerbaijan also declared its readiness to conduct a dialogue not with persons who arrived in Karabakh from outside, representing themselves as representatives of Armenian residents, but with representatives who, as before, have the right to represent Armenian residents. Armenia should not interfere in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan and should renounce territorial claims in accordance with the norms and principles of international law, as well as the Prague and Sochi agreements, according to which the countries mutually recognize each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The prejudiced position shown by the minister of Luxembourg, who is unaware of the situation in the region and is completely contrary to the relevant principles of international law, is completely unfounded. It seems that Luxembourg, as before, has not yet abandoned the practice of using theses, which reflect the false propaganda of Armenia. We reiterate that such provocative and biased statements cannot serve as an obstacle to the further development and progress of the region based on respect for the principles of international law.


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