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PA: Armenian PM misleads international community from UN tribune

30 September 2019 15:14 (UTC+04:00)
PA: Armenian PM misleads international community from UN tribune

By Abdul Kerimkhanov

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan presented in a completely distorted form the political, legal and historical aspects of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict from the UN tribune, Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev has said.

Hajiyev stressed that Pashinyan who had called for annexation of Karabakh to Armenia just recently, thereby undermining the peace negotiations mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group, is seeking today to act like a “peace pigeon” from the UN tribune and to mislead the international community.

Hajiyev was commenting on Pashinyan’s speech at the general debates session of the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September.

“First and foremost, Nagorno-Karabakh is the historical land of Azerbaijan and its integral part. On July 5, 1921, the Caucasus Bureau of the Communist (Bolsheviks’) Party’s Central Committee had decreed to keep Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan. Contrary to the false claims by the Armenians, decree never envisaged ‘handing over of Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan’,” Hajiyev said.

"Armenia’s claims to 'uniting Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia' or 'gaining independence' contradict the principle of uti possidetis envisaged in international law, which is why they are unjustified in the framework of international law. The uti possidetis principle clearly defines that Azerbaijan had declared its independence within the borders set by the Soviet laws before the declaration of independence.

"Secondly, while speaking at the UN, Armenian PM kept silent about the fact of flagrant violation of his country’s obligations undertaken in line with the UN Charter.," Hajiyev added.

Note that Item 4 of Article 2 of the UN Charter prohibits the threat or use of force and calls on all members to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of other states.

Hajiyev reminded that Armenia used military force to occupy Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and seven adjacent regions and carried out ethnic cleansing in these territories against the Azerbaijani population; forcing over one million people out of their homes.

“Moreover, Armenia runs well-designed activities to change the demographic composition in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in contradiction to the international humanitarian law and destroys the monuments of the tangible cultural heritage belonging to the Azerbaijani people,” Hajiyev stressed.

He reminded the UN Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 condemn the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, emphasize the unacceptability of the seizure of territories by force and require the complete and unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that the basis of the mandate of the members of the OSCE Minsk Group, which mediates to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, is formed by the relevant Security Council resolutions. The international community recognizes and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan within internationally recognized borders, the official said.

Hajiyev also refuted Pashinyan’s statement that the Nagorno-Karabakh is not a territorial conflict.

“The UN Security Council resolutions, the decision of the European Court of Human Rights with respect to the case of ‘Chyragov and others vs. Armenia’ clearly prove that that the occupation of territories by force is the fundamental basis of this conflict. According to the verdict of the European Court of Human Rights, the illegal regime created in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan exists thanks to the political, military, financial and other types of support by Armenia. The military presence of the Armenian Armed Forces in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the ongoing occupation openly demonstrate the true essence of the conflict,” Hajiyev said.

Hajiyev said it was “hypocrisy” on part of Pashinyan to present the conflict in the context of human rights issue while Armenia has committed ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis and violated the fundamental rights of more than a million Azerbaijanis through the occupation and military aggression.

Hajiyev also commented on Pashinyan’s statement that the conflict should be resolved on the basis of a formula acceptable to Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan. Hajiyev reminded that parties to the conflict are Armenia and Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan has both Azerbaijani and Armenian communities.

Azerbaijan has no territorial claim to any state. An acceptable settlement of the conflict for Azerbaijan is based on the UN Charter, international law and justice, and the international community supports this position, the Azerbaijani official said, adding that the roadmap for resolving the conflict is displayed in a statement dated March 9, 2019, to which the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs reiterate.

"There is no model of solving this conflict outside of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The soonest settlement of the conflict can help to ensure sustainable peace and security in the region, improve the daily life of the Armenian community living currently in difficult conditions in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and lead to the development of Armenia itself," Hajiyev said.

The offical concluded his speech by saying the following: “Instead of wasting time and searching for unreasonable historical, populist and demagogic arguments to justify the policy of annexation and misleading its people and the international community, Armenia should take a constructive part in the conflict settlement process, fulfill international obligations and withdraw its troops from occupied Azerbaijani territories."

Abdul Kerimkhanov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @AbdulKerim94

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