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Azerbaijani MP: consequence will be serious if Iran proved to have hand in terror attack against Ahmad Obali

23 May 2023 16:30 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijani MP: consequence will be serious if Iran proved to have hand in terror attack against Ahmad Obali
Qabil Ashirov
Qabil Ashirov
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Ahmad Obali who dedicated his life to protecting human-right and the right of ethnic minorities, and his son Deniz Obali have recently faced a terrorist attack in the United States of America. The reports received from the victim and many reliable sources confirmed that terrorist act is more likely to have been committed by the Mullah regime in Iran.

Given that he is an ardent democrat and an unreconciled person with an anti-regime sentiment, the first idea about the organizer of the terror act comes to mind is Iran. In addition, Iran has been using the same method of terror against the public and prominent figures such as Salman Rushdie, Ziya Bunyadov, Rafiq Tagi, Fazil Mustafa and so on.

Speaking to Azernews on the issue, Araz Obali, the nephew of Ahmad Obali, said that his condition is moderate for now. Araz Obali noted that the terrorists beat him to death and seriously injured his body parts.

“They wanted to break his neck. The fingers of his right hand were seriously injured and broken. As can be seen from the video, his hands are swollen. He also cannot feel his arms and legs. Last time I spoke, he said he couldn't feel his legs and arms,” Araz Obali said.

He noted that his uncle knows who is behind the terror attack, and he is waiting for the investigation to be completed for disclosure of the criminals.

“If we consider the issue logically, if we list the friends of Ahmad Obali or the friends and enemies of the national movement of South Azerbaijan, the Iranian state comes first. As the investigation is still ongoing and the results of the investigation have not been announced, we cannot blame or form an opinion on any person, group, or country. However, Ahmad told me personally that he knows who is behind this case. Hopefully, when he gets up, he will disclose all of them,” Araz Obali stressed.

As for Deniz Obali, Araz told that his condition is critical and he is at the Intensive Care Unit. Araz Obali said that since Deniz was not with his father when they attacked him, he does not have detailed information about when and how Deniz was assaulted.

“Ahmad Obali himself said that he was alone when he was attacked. His son Deniz Obali was with him in California. However, the attack on Deniz did not take place at the same time and same place with Obali. The attack on Deniz happened later. But there is no clear evidence about where and how,” Araz Obali said.

It is interesting that the beating of Ahmad Obali is more like a pre-organized crime. The snapping of his fingers is also a message. For example, let's note that some underground organizations organize such crimes against people who write or speak against them. It should be noted that Araz Obali also agrees with this idea. According to him, breaking the fingers of Ahmad Obali's right hand is also a message.

“All terrorist groups, organizations, and terrorist states in the world have their own method. As we know, the shooting of Ziya Bunyadov in his mouth meant that we cut your voice. There is a strong possibility that such a message was sent Ahmad Obali, which also confirms the fact that breaking his fingers is symbolic,” Araz Obali added.

Besides, politician and MP Fazil Mustafa who has been subjected to a similar terror assault linked to Iran recently in Baku said that the accusation of Iran in this crime is more relevant to the regime in Tehran. He noted that Iran is the first country to come into mind when one speaks of terror.

“Iran is infested with terror since its inception. Like before there was a Bolshevik terror, today there is a [Iranian] terror network created under the name of Islam which is far away from the essence of Islam by such people who wants to show Islam in a barbaric form. Since Iran supports terrorism by all its means, when a terror assault is committed against a person who is in opposition to Iran, immediately everyone remembers Iran,” he pointed out.

The MP stressed that with the help of these methods, Iran intends to cow people to abstain from participating in the democratization of Iran. However, he thinks that Iran’s attempts are in vain.

“Just as women were pressured to wear headscarves, today the vast majority of women in Tehran walk around without a headscarf. Women do not obey the laws adopted [by the regime]. On the other hand, the state itself is in agony. It is experiencing its most difficult times and the dissatisfaction of the population has reached its peak. With such terrorist acts, Iran shows that it is in fact struggling to solve certain problems. Iran reveals its true essence and this causes Iran to fall into more disrepute. With the attack on the [Azerbaijani] embassy, Iran gained the image of being the most unreliable state,” the MP said.

He added that the occurrence of such an assault in the United States will have a very serious consequence. if it is proven that Iran has a hand in this, then it will lead to taking a number of more serious steps against Iran. He underlined that both the US and the EU are taking the toughest stance against forces that are closely engaged in terrorism.


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