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Brussels meeting could lead to void of Russia-Armenia relations

29 March 2024 18:22 (UTC+04:00)
Brussels meeting could lead to void of Russia-Armenia relations
Fatima Latifova
Fatima Latifova
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A meeting of Armenia, USA and the European Union (EU) scheduled to be held on April 5 in the trilateral format in Brussels has already caused some concern for a number of states and officials in the South Caucasus. In particular, Russia's unique approach to the issue has captured headlines in the media recently. It can be noted that the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, made statements touching on a number of points in this regard.

At a time when the peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia are ongoing, the implementation of the Brussels meeting seems to be the next step to increase the tension in the region. If we look at the statement of the Russian MFA official, we would not be wrong to say that Armenia is involved in a dangerous game with the help of the West.

What are the consequences of this meeting?

Speaking to Azernews, Turab Rzayev, a political analyst who commented on the issue, said that after the Brussels meeting, the West can completely take Armenia under its influence. According to him, Armenia's candidacy proposal for the European Union could also be a matter of discussion in the upcoming meeting.

"Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia expressing concern about this meeting shows that very serious decisions regarding Armenia will be made on April 5.

"The West may try to bring Armenia under the security umbrella, and the issue of Armenia's candidacy to the European Union may come up," the expert said.

T. Rzayev said that if Armenia is deceived by these proposals, its relations with Russia will become even worse.

"If Armenia joins some political, economic and military alliance of the West, it will lead to the reset of all relations between Russia and Armenia. Relations are already strained enough. "Armenia has frozen its participation in the CSTO and is trying to expel Russian soldiers from its airport," the political scientist said.

Turab Rzayev reminded that the official Moscow had previously severely reprimanded Yerevan on this topic.

"Sergey Lavrov and Maria Zakharova previously warned Pashinyan's government about closeness with the West. Even recently, Dmitry Peskov openly spoke about billions of funds sent to Armenia, Armenians living in Russia and Russia's influence on the Armenian economy, in a word, he blackmailed Armenia."

However, despite the Kremlin's reprimands, Armenia is trying to show itself to be more stable. In other words, through its maneuvers, Armenia is trying to show that it will not leave Russia's pressure unanswered.

The expert, who agrees with this issue, noted that Armenia will not be helpless in front of Russia. He said that any step taken by Russia against Armenia will put official Moscow under more pressure.

"It is clear that if Russia sends troops to Armenia, that is, if the Ukrainian scenario is repeated, Armenians will make hubbub all over the world that a nation that was subjected to "genocide" is being invaded by Russia again. This will further increase the pressure on Russia both in politics and in the media by concentrating all attentions on it," said the political analyst.

In addition, Turab Rzayev spoke about the impact of the tripartite meeting planned for April 5 on Azerbaijan. The political scientist said that the West views issues in the South Caucasus from a religious perspective.

"The West treats Azerbaijan differently. Because the European Union looks at the Caucasus from the perspective of a certain Christian solidarity. Therefore, none of those countries reacted when their territory of Azerbaijan was invaded."

The expert recalled that during the occupation of Karabakh by Armenia, the West did not take any decisive steps for peace, but when Azerbaijan freed its lands from occupation, official Baku was branded as an invader by the West.


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