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President Aliyev inaugurates five-star hotels in Gusar region

20 December 2013 12:28 (UTC+04:00)
President Aliyev inaugurates five-star hotels in Gusar region

By Nigar Orujova

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited the Shahdag Winter and Summer Tourism Complex in the country's Gusar region on December 19.

The Head of State and his spouse attended the opening ceremony of the "Shahdag" and "Pik Palas" hotels, as well as an event dedicated to the sports results of 2013.

The Shahdag Winter and Summer Tourism Complex differ from the world analogues for its uniqueness and universality. The preparations for the construction of the facility started in 2006.

The construction of the Shahdag Winter and Summer Tourism Complex started in September 2009, and the foundation stone laying ceremony was attended by the president.

The Complex is situated in the Shahdag National Park, 32 km from the center of Gusar and occupies a total area of 2,058 hectares, located 1,300-2,300 meters above sea level.

The Shahdag Complex is the first alpine skiing resort in the history of Azerbaijan. President Aliyev attended the opening of the cableway and ski slope Number 2 of the Complex in Gusar in February, 2011.

The president and the first lady first attended the opening ceremony of the five-star Pik Palas hotel.

President Aliyev cut a ribbon symbolizing the opening of the hotel. The Head of State then signed an honorary Guest Book of the Pik Palas Hotel.

The hotel has 167 suites, which are provided with the modern equipment, a gym, a swimming pool, as well as restaurants, and bars including Chocolat Patisserie, Alpina Brasserie & Wine Bar, and Fujisan Restaurant & Bar.

Following, the president and the first lady attended the opening of the five-star hotel Shahdag hotel in Gusar, which has 173 rooms of five categories.

The hotel also has restaurants, bars, and cafes, as well as Ovdan SPA and SPA Bar centers, a swimming pool, a gym, a kindergarten, a shop, and three conference halls.

The Head of State and his spouse also inspected the construction work at a new five-star hotel at the Complex.

The hotel which occupies a total are of 22,000 square meters will house 164 rooms, as well as restaurants and cafes, a 130-seat conference hall, a business center, a gym, a SPA center, a swimming pool, and a 77-place car park.

Later in the day, Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva attended an event dedicated to the sports results of 2013.

The Head of State addressed the event.

Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee Agajan Abiyev thanked President Ilham Aliyev for his attention on behalf of the Azerbaijani sportsmen.

Culture and Tourism Minister Abulfas Garayev described the day as an important date for the country's history and noted that a new type of the sports, as well as tourism was set up in Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Aliyev.

The Head of State then handed over the orders of the new flats and diplomas to a group of Azerbaijani sportsmen and sports figures.

Wrestling Coach Elchin Zeynalov thanked the president for his attention to the country's sportsmen.

Member of the Executive Committee of the National Olympic Committee and the Founder and Head of the Miniature Book Museum, Zarifa Salahova, presented some keepsakes to President Aliyev and the first lady wished them success.

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