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OIC ministerial labels Armenia invader

20 May 2010 03:45 (UTC+04:00)
OIC ministerial labels Armenia invader
Officials of the Organization for Islamic Conference (OIC) adopted three resolutions on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper Garabagh recognizing Armenia as an invading country.
The first document, passed at the 37th meeting of the OIC members’ Foreign Ministers Council, was a political resolution labeling Armenia as an aggressor, and it will be the basis for discussions on the Garabagh problem at the summit of the Islamic states to be held in Cairo in March 2011, according to Tofig Abdullayev, Azerbaijan’s representative at the OIC and the country’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
Another resolution looks into the allocation of financial and economic assistance to the people affected by the Armenian aggression, Abdullayev said.
The other document condemns the destruction of Islamic historical monuments in the occupied Azerbaijani territories.
Ethnic Armenians in Upper Garabagh, backed by Armenia, declared so-called independence in fighting that erupted as the Soviet Union headed towards its 1991 collapse. The Armenians invaded Upper Garabagh and seven surrounding Azeri districts before a cease-fire was declared in 1994. Some 30,000 people were killed and a million Azeris ousted from their homes as a result of the Armenian aggression. The Armenian armed forces continue occupying a part of Azerbaijani land, despite four standing UN resolutions calling for their unconditional pullout.
The three-day OIC foreign ministers session started in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on Tuesday. The event is attended by 80 delegations of OIC member states, representatives of observer countries, and international and regional organizations. The agenda includes issues pertaining to the escalation in Palestinian-Israeli conflict, turning the Middle East into a nuclear-free zone, as well as the situation in Iraq and Somalia.*
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