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Government planning to relocate 42,000 IDPs back to Agdam [PHOTO]

16 February 2023 16:28 (UTC+04:00)
Government planning to relocate 42,000 IDPs back to Agdam [PHOTO]
Qabil Ashirov
Qabil Ashirov
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The "Urban Planning Issues" Working Group of the Inter-Administrative Centre operating under the Coordinating Headquarters created for the centralised resolution of issues in the liberated territories, held a meeting in Aghdam.

Several government officials and representatives of government and public companies participated in the meeting, Azernews reports, citing Azertag.

In his speech, the special representative of President Emin Huseynov noted that new pilot projects are being implemented in Aghdam, and many infrastructure projects have been started in the areas of Aghdam, Fuzuli, Tartar, and Aghjabedi districts.“

“Initially, the resettlement of 20 families has been accelerated. A total of 15,999 houses will be built. Some 5,608 houses are planned to be built in Aghdam city,” he said.

Besides that, E.Huseynov said that the first stage of construction works in the Talish village of Tartar region will be completed by the end of February.

"We hope that by the end of February, that area will be ready for the resettlement of 20 families. Currently, work is being done there day and night," he stressed.

The executive director of the public legal entity Recovery, Construction and Management Service in Karabakh Economic Region, Ovsat Hamidov noted that the Master Plan of Aghdam city is the first approved and presented to the public.

“Projects in the direction of the construction of roads and railways, power lines are being finalised. Also, work is being done on the construction of socioeconomic infrastructure. Finalization works are being carried out in connection with school No. 1 of Agdam,” he said.

He also said that the restoration of historical and cultural monuments is being carried out. Besides, he filled the participants in on residential neighbourhoods in the city.

“We aim to start the construction of a number of residential neighborhoods from the middle of this year. As indicated in the state program, we have set ourselves the goal of ensuring the return of our people not only to the city of Aghdam but also to the surrounding villages by the end of 2026. It is planned to relocate 42,000 people to Aghdam city and surrounding villages alone," he added.

According to him, five residential neighborhoods are planned to construct in the Aghdam city. The first residential neighbourhood made up 1,139 apartments and it will allow relocating 4,977 people, the second 1,261 apartments and 5,510 people, the third neighbourhood 1,239 apartments and 5,327, and the fourth residential neighbourhood 892 and 3,835 people, and the fifth 1,034 apartments and 4,446 people, each.

“Work is ongoing in the direction of creating the infrastructure of Aghdam city. The projects of 59 kilometers of intra-city roads and relevant communication lines were prepared and submitted to expertise,” he added.

According to him, in connection with the declaration of the Karabakh economic region as a "green energy" zone, it was decided to create a central heating system in the city of Aghdam:

"In this regard, the concept of a boiler house has already been developed, relevant reports have been made and positive opinions have been received from the relevant institutions regarding the implementation of the central heating system."


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Government planning to relocate 42,000 IDPs back to Agdam [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Government planning to relocate 42,000 IDPs back to Agdam [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
Government planning to relocate 42,000 IDPs back to Agdam [PHOTO] - Gallery Image
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