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Turkiye strives to help Azerbaijan & Armenia to hammer out just peace

14 October 2022 16:49 (UTC+04:00)
Turkiye strives to help Azerbaijan & Armenia to hammer out just peace

By Vugar Khalilov

Turkiye is striving to achieve just peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Azernews reports, citing Fahrettin Altun, Turkish presidential spokesperson.

He also added that attempts have been made from the outset, under the leadership of Turkiye's president, to stop the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

"These sincere efforts resulted in the opening of a corridor under Turkiye's auspices for the supply of grain, which has become a worldwide crisis, as well as the fulfillment of the prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine," Altun stressed.

To recap, following the October 6 meeting in Prague between Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders under the auspices of EU Council President Charles Michel and French President Emmanuel Macron, all parties reaffirmed their commitment to the peace negotiations while acknowledging each other's territorial integrity.

President Ilham Aliyev praised the EU's efforts in the peace talks during an interview with Azerbaijani TV channels, emphasizing that Azerbaijan and Armenia are gradually reaching peace.

“I do hope that we are slowly getting closer to peace, and I highly appreciate Charles Michel's work in this area. Because, as you know, several trilateral meetings have been held in Brussels, and we are getting closer to peace every time. This four-sided meeting was organized by Charles Michel and Emmanuel Macron, and this meeting discussed important issues. I believe that this meeting will be of tremendous importance in reaching a peace agreement,” Aliyev stressed.

Aliyev added that the peace talks are still ongoing and should not be disrupted.

“The ministers should meet for the second time soon, and we have suggested that after that the working groups of both countries should come together to prepare the text of the peace agreement, perhaps not in one meeting, but over the course of a few days,” he underlined.


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