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Border checkpoint at Azerbaijan's Lachin road is big step toward peace

27 April 2023 13:15 (UTC+04:00)
Border checkpoint at Azerbaijan's Lachin road is big step toward peace
Qabil Ashirov
Qabil Ashirov
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Establishing a border checkpoint on the conventional Armenian-Azerbaijan border at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi Road is a big step toward peace by Azerbaijan. From now on, we really can talk about the peace process and the reintegration of Karabakh residents of Armenian origin into Azerbaijan.

First of all, the newly established checkpoint will ensure the safe zone or mine-free life in Karabakh back to the recent terrorist act committed by illegal armed groups of Armenia. In addition, although the Armenians living in Karabakh were left out of the integration process due to the influence of the Armenian authorities, the new checkpoint created conditions for a robust future for both sides.

In fact, when looking at the truth, if the crimes, provocations, terrorism and genocides committed by Armenia in the last 30 years are taken into account, the integration of the Armenian society in Karabakh does not seem very convincing. Because the Armenian government has always deeply influenced the consciousness of the common people with its anti-Azerbaijani and anti-Turkish ideas.

Even after the humiliating defeats in the 44-day war in 2020, the Armenian side strengthened its propaganda against Azerbaijan by misinterpreting Azerbaijan's every step of good faith.

Another importance of the establishment of the checkpoint is that it also creates a sense of psychological comfort and confidence in the new residents who will live in Karabakh. Also, the new generations growing up in Karabakh will be freed from the effects of separatism and will be able to move towards development with healthy ideas for peace and security.

Of course, without a doubt, all this worries the Armenian side, and for this reason, the Armenian leadership and the separatist forces that support it make groundless claims about the establishment of the checkpoint.

End to drug smuggling

Further, establishing the border checkpoint will hinder illegal activities, including drug and weapon smuggling by a clique of Armenians who hold local residents as hostages. It is no secret that with the help of the southern neighbor the Armenian mafia made drug plantations in the formerly occupied Karabakh to fill their pockets. Some leaking information from international and Armenian media outlets had confirmed this fact several times before the 44-day war. Surely, those plantations exist in the territories yet under the control of Armenians and Russian peacekeeping contingent. Given that drug is a disaster in the modern world, the border checkpoint will prevent the smuggling which is in favor of Armenian civilians living in Karabakh.

As mentioned earlier, it is just the beginning, and we hope that Azerbaijan will not be satisfied with establishing the border checkpoint, but there will be a custom border in the future, which will surely accelerate the integration process. Of course, it is in favor of civilians in Karabakh, because it will give a lot of opportunities to them. By gaining Azerbaijani passport and Azerbaijan's trademark they will not be limited to little and poor Armenia but will have an access to the global market.

However, being aware of these opportunities, unfortunately the Armenian government and its patrons are terrified to lose such a lucrative source of wealth. Their concern is not the future of people but their incomes through dirty ways.

There is only one issue in the middle - people's vigilance, understanding of the truth and finally standing up and demanding their rights.
As for the Armenian authorities and the forces behind it, they should understand unequivocally that Azerbaijan is able to have a full control on its sovereign territory, and the problem of all peoples living in its territory is a priority for it. Although they could not learn a full lesson from the 44-day war, Azerbaijan is always able to remind it again.


Qabil Ashirov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @g_Ashirov

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