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Baku to host Aerospace Modeling Festival

4 April 2024 10:00 (UTC+04:00)
Baku to host Aerospace Modeling Festival

On April 12, the Aerospace Modeling Festival will be held at the airfield of Avia-models, located in Hovsan settlement, Khazar district, Baku, Azernews reports.

Within the framework of the festival, it is planned to hold competitions in various categories with the participation of 5 teams, an air show, demonstration of rocket models, quadcopters, and airplane models. The Aerospace Modeling Festival will provide participants with the opportunity to practically improve their knowledge in the field of aerodynamics, aerospace engineering, electronics, and mechanics as a technical sport.

The main goal and activity direction of the festival is to help popularize and develop the sport of rocket and satellite modeling in Azerbaijan, to increase the role of this technical sport in the comprehensive and harmonious development of innovative young people, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Rocket and satellite modeling, a technical sport based on high technologies, combines intellectual activity and physical activity in the fresh air. Competitions are held both individually and as a team, according to the height and duration of the flight, and landing accuracy. The rocket or satellite's degree of detail and the flight's reality are evaluated according to the competition level of the finished models.

The festival will take place in partnership with the Agency for Innovation and Digital Development, the National Aerospace Agency of the Ministry of Defense Industry, the Air Force, the State Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, KOBIA, the Center for Innovations, the Public Union for the Development of New Technologies and others.


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