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Azerbaijan follows up appeal on Armenia’s war crimes at int’l court

3 November 2021 15:11 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan follows up appeal on Armenia’s war crimes at int’l court

By Vugar Khalilov

Azerbaijani Prosecutor-General Kamran Aliyev has said that measures related to Azerbaijan’s appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over Armenia’s war crimes are being taken, local media reported on November 2.

Aliyev underlined that the Prosecutor-General's Office has collected the necessary evidence about Armenia’s war crimes against Azerbaijan, the report added.

"Physical evidence is used during these processes. Prosecutors thoroughly conduct an investigation into each crime," Aliyev said.

Azerbaijani has been collecting evidence about Armenia-committed crimes since the occupation of the country's territories, he noted.

Aliyev added that prosecutors inspect each liberated region to collect proof of war crimes.

"The destroyed houses, historical monuments, and environmental crimes were documented separately, photos and videos were taken during the inspection," Aliyev said.

The prosecutor-general stressed that the evidence forms a strong basis to accuse Armenia and its military-political leadership of committing war crimes against Azerbaijan.

"This work is of historical importance. The future generation must know about this and must be informed," Aliyev emphasized.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor-general stressed that police seized drug crops in the Azerbaijani lands liberated from Armenia's occupation in 2020.

“After the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from occupation, representatives of the Interior Ministry reported such facts,” Aliyev added.

Over its 30-year occupation of Azerbaijani territories, Armenia has used Karabakh and adjacent seven regions for its illegal activities, including arms and drugs trafficking. Although Azerbaijan repeatedly raised the issue before the international organizations, Armenia continued in the same vein, creating all the necessary conditions there for the illegal cultivation, production, and further distribution of narcotic substances.

The clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan resumed after Armenia launched large-scale attacks on Azerbaijani forces and civilians on September 27.

During the second Karabakh war, Ganja, Barda, Yevlakh, Beylagan, Tartar, Gabala, Goranboy, Aghjabadi, Khizi and other Azerbaijani cities and regions came under Armenia's missile and artillery fire.

International human rights watchdogs Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch verified the use of banned cluster bombs and rockets by Armenia in its attacks against Azerbaijani cities.

As a result of the military aggression by Armenia, 100 Azerbaijani civilians were killed, including 12 children and 27 women. As many as 454 people were injured, including 35 children. Some 181 children lost one parent, five children lost both parents, one family died. In total, 12,292 residential and non-residential buildings and 288 vehicles were damaged.

A criminal case has been initiated into the death of every civilian in Azerbaijan caused by the Armenian terror, and appeals have been sent to international courts and organizations.

A Moscow-brokered ceasefire deal that Baku and Yerevan signed on November 10, 2020, brought an end to six weeks of fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani army declared a victory against the Armenian troops. The signed agreement obliged Armenia to withdraw its troops from the Azerbaijani lands that it has occupied since the early 1990s.

The peace agreement stipulated the return of Azerbaijan's Armenian-occupied Kalbajar, Aghdam and Lachin regions and urged Armenia to withdraw its troops from the Azerbaijani lands that it has occupied since the early 1990s. Before the signing of the deal, the Azerbaijani army had liberated around 300 villages, settlements, city centers, and historic Shusha city.


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