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Yerevan on roller-coaster: Mirzoyan's statement echoes theses of West

9 February 2024 16:47 (UTC+04:00)
Yerevan on roller-coaster: Mirzoyan's statement echoes theses of West
Elnur Enveroglu
Elnur Enveroglu
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The process of peace negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan is still being delayed, with various excuses from Yerevan. This time, the Armenian authorities, unable to make a firm decision, accuse Azerbaijan with false statements.

Yesterday, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan's fiery speech put paradoxical ideas on the agenda again. Mirzoyan, in his speech full of prejudice, described Azerbaijan as an aggressor and also used the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh expression to demonstrate his separatist position.

Let’s once again remind that the fact that the Prime Minister of Armenia does not recognise the so-called separatist regime in Garabagh and that Yerevan bears no responsibility in this matter contradicts the views of the head of the Foreign Ministry today.

First of all, the leadership of Armenia has officially recognised the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan several times before and that Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan. Today, MFA head Mirzoyan's allegation of the expulsion of 100,000 Armenians absolutely does not correspond to any facts. First of all, after the successful anti-terrorist measures in Garabagh in September, a group of Armenians left the region in order to avoid criminal responsibility and to avoid being accused of participating in the illegal military operations. In addition, many Armenians who have no connection with Garabagh and were not ethnically born in Azerbaijan, knowingly left the territory of Azerbaijan on their own volition. Most importantly, Azerbaijan created an opportunity for them to leave the area safely.

Only in 2020, Azerbaijan conducted military operations to prevent the invasion of Armenia during the 44-day war. In addition, although the occupation ended, the provocations of the Armenian separatists in Garabagh continued until September 19, 2023. Only after the last anti-terrorist measures, separatist groups were prevented in Garabagh.

It is significant to note that no civilians were harmed in the anti-terrorist measures on September 19. Armenia and many international organisations have also acknowledged this.

Ararat Mirzoyan's statement on behalf of the Yerevan administration confirms Armenia's support for separatism. In such a case, there can be no talk of peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

In general, such a trend, which continues in Armenia, has become practical. This seems to be continued in an alternate way, so when the Armenian side talks about peace, separatist Armenian groups in the West start to launch anti-Azerbaijan propaganda, or vice versa. This proves once again that the Armenian authorities, inspired by foreign influences, alternately continue their joint activities to obstruct the peace process. This step once again calls into question the authority of Yerevan.

On the other hand, the snap presidential elections held in Azerbaijan also had a significant impact. Thus, the Western forces, which are trying to boycott the elections and calling them fake, have put forward Yerevan because they are currently deprived of all opportunities. Until then, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his entourage presented themselves as supporters of peace. Currently, the changing realities have forced Armenia to take more radical and biased steps.


Elnur Enveroglu is AzerNews’ Deputy Editor-in-Chief, follow him on @ElnurMammadli1

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