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Government improves programs on eliminating human trafficking

28 October 2015 10:00 (UTC+04:00)
Government improves programs on eliminating human trafficking

By Vusala Abbasova

Human trafficking is a serious crime, which deprives its victims of their rights and freedom, becoming one of the gravest current global problems of humanity.

This transnational crime is not confined to any one country’s borders and has prompted many nations to actively fight this injustice by using a range of effective measures. Azerbaijan is thus preparing a list of proposals to eliminate the social problems that lead in the problem of human trafficking.

The government has decided to help labor migrants, who are most susceptible to becoming victims of human trafficking, to work in the country without fear of being sold into slavery.

Thus the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the State Migration Service will facilitate and expand these opportunities in order to provide the necessary opportunities for labor migrants living in Azerbaijan.

The government will also apply measures to prevent the illegal exploitation of labor migrants in the country.

The Azerbaijani State Migration Service, the State Border Service and the State Customs Committee will carry out regular training for their staff to improve the process of detection for victims of trafficking.

Additions were made to a section of the National Action Plan to combat trafficking in persons, which is a part of the Program on eliminating of social problems leading in human trafficking, according to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Azerbaijan actively combats the trafficking in persons for sexual slavery, forced labor, or commercial sexual exploitation.

The Government has put in place a range of measures to combat against all spheres of human trafficking inside the country.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, Family, Women and Children will also present proposals on eliminating social problems leading to human trafficking by 2015-2018.

The country intends to create favorable conditions for those seeking legal jobs and the government will inform the public about the new social and seasonal jobs on a regular basis.

Furthermore, if someone wants to earn money during the holidays or find his/her first job, then these government institutions will help find work that is vetted, providing a degree of safety in the job hunt.

The state will also take care of Azerbaijani citizens who intend to work in foreign countries.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the State Migration Service will publish a list of those who have received special licenses for working abroad to ensure their safety.

Azerbaijan is strengthening efforts to identify foreign and domestic victims of labor trafficking, and improve communications among government agencies, providing safe accommodation for victims.

The Center for Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population (MLSP) provides 43 victims of human trafficking with social rehabilitation, ensuring support at the state level from January-September 2015.

Over the reported period, it was some 18 potential victims of trafficking have been assisted, according to the Azertac state news agency. The government has provided 7 victims with medical care, 17 with psychological, 15 with legal, and 5 have been granted asylum.

In addition, the State Employment Service under the Ministry has provided 8 people with jobs. Another 12 people were assisted in course for the professional rehabilitation.


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