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JCPOA commisison to discuss Iranian nuclear deal on June 28

21 June 2019 13:08 (UTC+04:00)
JCPOA commisison to discuss Iranian nuclear deal on June 28

By Trend

The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear deal will hold a session in Vienna on June 28, European External Action Service (EEAS) said in a statement released on Thursday, Trend reports citing TASS.

"A meeting of the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will take place in Vienna on 28 June 2019. The Joint Commission will be chaired on behalf of the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini by EEAS Secretary General Helga Schmid and will be attended by the E3+2 (China, France, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom) and Iran," the statement said.

"The meeting has been called with the intention of ensuring the continued implementation of the JCPOA in all its aspects and discuss ways to tackle challenges arising from the withdrawal and re-imposition of sanctions by the United States on Iran, as well as recent announcements by Iran regarding the implementation of its nuclear commitments," the statement added.

On 8 May 2018, US President Donald Trump announced Washington's withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal reached in 2015. The deal placed restrictions on the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for lifting UN Security Council sanctions from Tehran, as well as US and EU sanctions. On 8 May 2019, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced temporary suspension of compliance with the JCPOA.


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