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Press Council condemns Solovyov's position regarding terrible terror act committed in Crocus City Hall

25 March 2024 15:45 (UTC+04:00)
Press Council condemns Solovyov's position regarding terrible terror act committed in Crocus City Hall

The situation regarding the terrorist act committed in the Crocus City Hall concert hall, which caused the death of many innocent people, makes it urgent to take a sensitive approach to the information spread about the incident. Unfortunately, not everyone in Russia takes this sensitivity seriously. TV presenter, journalist Vladimir Solovyov is one of them, and maybe the first, Azernews reports, citing a statement issued by the Press Council.

"The statement that the considerations aimed at looking for traces of Azerbaijan in the known terrorist act exceed the boundaries of the traditional prejudice rhetoric of this person against our country. With his hints, V. Solovyov is causing informational sabotage in relation to Azerbaijan. It does not take into account that a terrorist cannot have any nationality or religion. Moreover, the persons responsible for the incident have been identified, and there is no need for Solovyov to use his conspiracy thinking.

V. Solovyov's giving an ethnic background to the provocation committed in Crocus City Hall is an attempt to target Azerbaijanis, Azerbaijan in general, to ignite an ethnic conflict in Russia, and to create antipathy towards our compatriots. It is known which circles this person fulfills "orders". The facts confirming his "collaboration" with Armenians - Russian journalist Margarita Simonyan and media magnate Aram Gabrielyanov - are well known to both the Russian and Azerbaijani public. This "trio" wanted to associate our country with terrorist ISIS in 2016. Solovyov's allusions to the "Crocus City Hall" incident are a continuation of the same unfinished script. It is felt that the main goal is to undermine the current high level of Azerbaijan-Russia relations," the Press Council noted.

The statement reads that there is no doubt that V. Solovyov's attempt to look for traces of Azerbaijan in the Crocus City Hall terror stems from his pro-Armenian bigotry. This is an obvious manipulation of media principles and the possibilities of freedom of speech and expression.

The statement urges that the journalist's approach to events and processes, as well as his evaluating style, should make the Russian public, including the media community, think seriously. Because Solovyov is busy misleading the society.

"His position is to sacrifice real truths and realities to corporate interests. This is extremely serious harm and damage caused by a professional not only to another, but most importantly to the country of which he is a citizen.

The Azerbaijan Press Council strongly condemns V. Solovyov's position regarding the terrible terrorist act committed in the Crocus City Hall concert hall, and information sabotage aimed at associating Azerbaijan with this event. The Council appeals to the Russian media, as well as to the public, not to be indifferent to the actions and behavior of the journalist, who seems to have no sense of responsibility towards his homeland and people, and who has turned his profession into a tool of prejudice. The Press Council hopes that a necessary public condemnation will be formed against V. Solovyov, and that the actions of this person will be given a proper legal assessment," the statement concluded.


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